Let's an user A (userA) wants to run in his graphical session a graphical application as user B (userB). How is it done it on a modern GNU/Linux system?

  • 2
    X11 or Wayland? Both?
    – Newbyte
    Commented Jul 16, 2022 at 2:16
  • I'd like the same method to work on both seamlessly. In the worst case I want to run the application with Xwayland on the latter. Commented Jul 16, 2022 at 10:43

1 Answer 1


Short answer

Install the run-as scripts and run:

run-as -X <user> <command>

Long answer

Write and run a script to authorize userB to access userA graphical session.

xhost +si:localuser:userB

Optional: allow access at login.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Graphical auth for user B
Comment=Authorize user B to run graphical software in this session
GenericName=userB xauth

Some applications may require extra services.

systemctl --user restart dbus
systemctl --user import-environment

Create a script to run the application as userB (es. Seahorse).

machinectl shell --uid=userB \
                 --setenv=DISPLAY="${DISPLAY}" \
                 --setenv=NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 \
                 .host \

machinectl shell --uid=userB \
                 --setenv=DISPLAY="${DISPLAY}" \
                 --setenv=NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 \
                 .host /usr/bin/application

Note: it works on Wayland too if XWayland is running.


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