I have the output from a command in which some text is hidden due to the column width size; are there any commands that can help display all of the output in that column? Currently, I use the grep command to fetch this output.

LON IGA NG is a large word in the INT and EXT row, but it is only displayed because of the column size.

|In Use |Int       |Ext       |Service   |Time      |TOS       |Encaps    |Interface |Dir
|enable |LON_IGA_NG|LON_IGA_NG|All IP    |Anytime   |Ignore ToS|Ignore    |Any       |bidir
  • That is it that produces this output? Some kind of database query?
    – Kusalananda
    Commented Jun 10, 2022 at 17:19
  • We can't say because we see only the result, how is this result produced? I guess you have to change the command you use to get this result, to fetch data in wider columns.
    – thanasisp
    Commented Jun 10, 2022 at 17:50
  • This is how the command generates output. This is not a database query, and there is no other command to change the column width. I can use linux commands like grep to change the output along with this command. So I'm looking for a linux command that will accomplish this. Commented Jun 10, 2022 at 17:58
  • Are you asking for help to write a tool that can read the string LON_IGA_NG as input and somehow output some much longer string that some other tool truncated to print LON_IGA_NG? If so - no, nothing can do that.
    – Ed Morton
    Commented Jun 11, 2022 at 18:14

1 Answer 1


I don't know of any general facility that would do that; it just depends on how the programmer wrote their program. Some things to try:

  1. Read the man page or other documentation for the program if it exists. There may be a command line argument to set column size.

  2. Make your terminal emulator very wide. Some programs query the width of the terminal and adjust their columns accordingly.

  3. Output to a file instead of to the screen.

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