wanted to share the following problem + solution since it took me a longer time to figure this out and hope it can save you some time stumbling upon this post:

I am using Manjaro and install the following three different types of packages:

  • packages which are in the main repositories and I can install them via pacman -S
  • packages which are only in the AUR (Arch Linux User Repository) and are in binary format which can be installed via pamac build
  • packages which are only in the AUR (Arch Linux User Repository) and have to be self-compiled (e.g. *-git packages) also via pamac build

Now I have had the following two issues:

  • binary packages via pamac build have never been updated running pacman -Syyu
  • self-compiled packages via pamac build have never been updated running pacman -Syyu
  • packages which are only in the AUR (Arch Linux User Repository) and are in binary format which can be installed via pamac build Binary packages built for arch are not automatically compatible with manjaro; as far as I know, they abandoned binary compatibility. Commented May 29, 2022 at 12:52

1 Answer 1


So the first issues have been solved adding the following two lines to my update script:

pamac checkupdates -a
pamac upgrade -a

Where -a stands for AUR

I had this for a longer time in my script and it has been working fine and I thought I was done since now all packages installed via pacman have been updated via pacman -Syyu and all packages from AUR have been updated via the above commmand.

I was wondering though, why the *-git packages I installed (which had frequent updates on the master / main branch) were never updated.

So I dug into the issue and had to adapt my script to the following:

pamac checkupdates -a --devel
pamac upgrade -a --devel

Where --devel includes development packages (like *-git).

Now I could notice that running this command takes way longer checking for updates, since -a just checks the packages in the AUR if they are newer (fast) but if the is a *-git package and there was no update in AUR but only in the git repository, it would not pick it up.

The new command including --devel however, took way longer, since it was asking first AUR for updates (quick) + for development packages it was also asking the repository in the back to check if there have been any updates.

Now finally I can keep all packages up-to-date with this simple script:

pacman -Syyu
pamac checkupdates -a --devel
pamac upgrade -a --devel

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