Could anyone elaborate a little on this warning? Reading the unbound comment it references, I guess it's some configuration in place for security reasons (?), but I'm not clear on what the tradeoffs really are if you "get rid of" this warning by adding the config file mentioned below.
reducing DNS packet size for nameserver ADDRESS to SAFE_PKTSZ
When receiving answers from upstream only with a smaller maximum DNS packet size, dnsmasq warns about this and remembers this decision per server for some time (defaulting to 60 seconds).
If you see this message continuously, you are affected by some unusual truncation on the path from your Pi-hole to the configured upstream server. You can get rid of the warning by adding a config file like /etc/dnsmasq.d/99-edns.conf and adding
edns-packet-max=1232 After running pihole restartdns your Pi-hole will not even try larger packet sizes (the default is 4096). Check out our unbound guide for a comment about the particular value of 1232.