I have a file that has entries in key: value format like the below:

cat data.txt

name: 'tom'
tom_age: '31'
status_tom_mar: 'yes'
school: 'anne'
fd_year_anne: '1987'
name: 'hmz'
hmz_age: '21'
status_hmz_mar: 'no'
school: 'svp'
fd_year_svp: '1982'
name: 'toli'
toli_age: '41'

and likewise ...

I need to find and print only those key: value that have duplicate keys as a single entry.

The below code gets me the duplicate keys

cat data.txt | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort  | uniq -d

However, I want the output where I wish to concatenate the values of duplicate keys in one line.

Expected output:

name: ['tom', 'hmz', 'toli']
school: ['anne', 'svp']
tom_age: '31'
status_tom_mar: 'yes'
fd_year_anne: '1987'
hmz_age: '21'
status_hmz_mar: 'no'
fd_year_svp: '1982'
toli_age: '41'

Can you please suggest?

  • 2
    Is this a YAML file that you are manipulating? If so use a syntax aware parser like yq
    – Inian
    Commented Mar 23, 2022 at 10:33
  • Yes yaml, Can you share command for yq that will help meet the requirement? Never heard of it before
    – Ashar
    Commented Mar 23, 2022 at 10:38
  • 3
    I'm not supposed to care about what you want, but it's hard to ignore that <name>_age, status_<name>_mar and fd_year_<school> cry out for a different record structur.
    – Philippos
    Commented Mar 23, 2022 at 13:10
  • 1
    @Philippos what makes you think you're "not supposed to care about what you want"? Sometimes (often, even) the right answer to a problem involves pointing out better ways of doing things.....and the data samples shown here are, as you say, crying out for normalisation. And if whatever generates these psuedo-yaml files can't be fixed, then any tool that has to process them absolutely should attempt to do that. Even if the OP explicitly asks for garbage input data to be converted into another equally-garbage output format.
    – cas
    Commented Mar 24, 2022 at 11:16
  • 1
    Sorry, I don't mean to cause embarrassment, but it's true: the output format you asked for is no better than the input. It should be converted into some kind of record format, where each record has the same fields - name, age, marital status, fd year, etc instead of having unique keys (like hmz_age or fd_year_anne) randomly scattered throughout the data (probably grown into a horrible mess with random additions rather than designed). Depending on what you're going to use the data for, each record should probably also have some kind of unique identifier field (and names certainly aren't unique)
    – cas
    Commented Mar 24, 2022 at 13:00

5 Answers 5


In awk:

$ awk -F': ' '
    data[$1] = $1 in data ? data[$1]", "$2 : $2 
END { 
    for (id in count) { 
        printf "%s: ",id; 
        print (count[id]>1 ? "[ "data[id]" ]" : data[id])
}' data.txt 
hmz_age: '21'
tom_age: '31'
fd_year_anne: '1987'
school: [ 'anne', 'svp' ]
name: [ 'tom', 'hmz', 'toli' ]
toli_age: '41'
fd_year_svp: '1982'
status_hmz_mar: 'no'
status_tom_mar: 'yes'

A Perl approach:

$ perl -F: -lane 'push @{$k{$F[0]}},$F[1]; 
            for $key (keys(%k)){ 
                    $data="[" . join(",",@{$k{$key}}) . "]"; 
                print "$key: $data"
        }' data.txt 
status_tom_mar:  'yes'
fd_year_anne:  '1987'
tom_age:  '31'
toli_age:  '41'
fd_year_svp:  '1982'
hmz_age:  '21'
school: [ 'anne', 'svp']
name: [ 'tom', 'hmz', 'toli']
status_hmz_mar:  'no'

Or, a bit easier to understand maybe:

perl -F: -lane '@fields=@F; 
                push @{$key_hash{$fields[0]}},$fields[1]; 
                    for $key (keys(%key_hash)){ 
                           $data="[" . join(",", @key_data) . "]"; 
                        print "$key: $data"
                }' data.txt 
  • I don't have perl.. Can i have non perl solution please
    – Ashar
    Commented Mar 23, 2022 at 11:46
  • 4
    @Ashar I added an awk approach. But you don't have perl? What operating system is this? AIX? Please always mention your OS in the question because we need to know what tools and what versions of the tools are available.
    – terdon
    Commented Mar 23, 2022 at 11:55

A short awk program will achieve this for you

awk -F': ' '
    # Every line of input; fields split at colon+space
        # Append a comma if we have previous items
        if (h[$1] > "") { h[$1] = h[$1] ", " };

        # Append the item and increment the count
        h[$1] = h[$1] $2;

    # Finally
    END {
        # Iterate across all the keys we have found
        for (k in h) {
            if (i[k] > 1) { p = "[%s]" } else { p = "%s" };
            printf "%s: " p "\n", k, h[k]
' data.txt


hmz_age: ['21', '41']
tom_age: '31'
fd_year_anne: ['1987', '1982']
school: ['anne', 'svp']
name: ['tom', 'hmz', 'toli']
status_hmz_mar: 'no'
status_tom_mar: 'yes'

In awk: awk '{arr[$1][length(arr[$1])+1]=$2}; END {for (i in arr) {printf i;if (length(arr[i])>1) {xc=" [";for (rr in arr[i]) {printf xc;printf arr[i][rr];xc=","} print "]"} else print arr[i][length(arr[i])]} }' data.txt


name: ['tom','hmz','toli']
school: ['anne','svp']
  • 2
    I would suggest that your answer would be greatly improved if you were to explain how it works. Not everyone will be able to understand your code Commented Mar 23, 2022 at 22:59
  • 1
    Only GNU awk has true array of array (not the traditional [i,j,...] using SUBSEP) Commented Mar 24, 2022 at 3:13
  • 3
    Never do printf foo for any input data as it'll fail when that data contains printf formatting chars like %s, use printf "%s", foo instead.
    – Ed Morton
    Commented Mar 26, 2022 at 21:29
  • @dave_thompson_085 i think that gawk was implicit. this and a few else can apply length to an array. Commented Apr 8, 2022 at 22:05

Using Raku (formerly known as Perl_6):

raku -e 'my %h; for lines() {%h.=append: .split(":").map(*.trim).hash}; .say for %h;' 


raku -e 'my %h.=append: .split(":").map(*.trim).hash for lines; .say for %h;' 

With Raku, you have hash functionalities built in (see the docs pages at bottom). Briefly, the code above takes lines, splits on ":" colon, trims whitespace from resulting 2 elements, and generates a hash (i.e. key-value pair). Each line's hash is then appended to the named %h (hash) object, and values are appropriately added to their respective keys.

Sample Input:

name: 'tom'
tom_age: '31'
status_tom_mar: 'yes'
school: 'anne'
fd_year_anne: '1987'
name: 'hmz'
hmz_age: '21'
status_hmz_mar: 'no'
school: 'svp'
fd_year_svp: '1982'
name: 'toli'
toli_age: '41'

Sample Output:

hmz_age => '21'
fd_year_svp => '1982'
status_tom_mar => 'yes'
fd_year_anne => '1987'
school => ['anne' 'svp']
status_hmz_mar => 'no'
tom_age => '31'
name => ['tom' 'hmz' 'toli']
toli_age => '41'

Once your data is in the %h object you can manipulate output. Substituting .put for .say in the code above gives tab-separated (not => separated) return. Furthermore, you can pull out values associated with individual keys like so (add below as a final statement):

say %h<name>;'
['tom' 'hmz' 'toli']




for i in $(awk -F ":" '{a[$1]++}END{for(x in a){print x,a[x]}}' file.txt | awk '$NF>1{print $1}'|tac); do grep "^$i" file.txt >/dev/null; if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then awk -v i="$i" -F ":" '$1 == i{print $2}' file.txt|awk 'END{print "\n"}ORS=","'|sed "s/^,//g"|sed "s/,$//g"|awk -v i="$i" '{print i":["$0"]"}';else grep -v "^$i" file.txt;fi; done >output.txt


for i in $(awk -F ":" '{a[$1]++}END{for(x in a){print x,a[x]}}' file.txt| awk '$NF==1'); do awk -v i="$i" -F ":" '$1 ~ i' file.txt; done >>output.txt


name: ['tom', 'hmz', 'toli']
school: ['anne', 'svp']
tom_age: '31'
status_tom_mar: 'yes'
fd_year_anne: '1987'
hmz_age: '21'
status_hmz_mar: 'no'
fd_year_svp: '1982'
toli_age: '41'

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