When trying to subscribe my centos 8 to a redhat repos, I got the error bellow. Can someone explains what do I need to do ?

[root@thiecentos8 ~]# subscription-manager attach --auto

Ignoring request to auto-attach. It is disabled for org "15824072" because of the content access mode setting.

  • You can only do that if you have a RedHat subscription. Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 3:22

3 Answers 3


Once a year, for the free Redhat subscriptions, the subscription will expire, this is telling us the pool doesn't have a valid subscription. The Redhat system will take maybe up to a half hour to reflect changes to the subscription. If your subscription expires it may be preferable to update the subscription on a non-Redhat computer. The network access will be limited on the Redhat machine with the expired subscription.

  • Log into developer.redhat.com
  • Click on your Avatar in the top right
  • Go to Subscriptions... Overview
  • Enable Simple content access
  • Wait about 10 minutes, for whatever reason the Redhat/IBM back end takes time to process a transaction

First try just refreshing and re-attaching on the affected machine(s).

$ sudo -s
# subscription-manager refresh
# subscription-manager attach --auto --username=XXX --password=XXX, replacing XXX with your redhat account
# subscription-manager status
# subscription-manager list --available --all

If it fails, you might just not have waited long enough for the backend at Redhat to catch up. If it is still failing, try to remove and re-attach the registration.

# subscription-manager remove --all
# subscription-manager unregister
# subscription-manager clean

Now try to re-attach

# subscription-manager register
# subscription-manager attach --auto
# subscription-manager status
# subscription-manager list --available --all

You should also see the subscriptions show up in developer.redhat.com subscriptions.

  • 1
    This works. Like @edt11x said if it fails you didn't wait long enough. Commented Aug 17, 2022 at 19:34

Look here, in the newest version, if I understood correctly, there is no need to use "auto-attach" https://access.redhat.com/management/subscription_allocations


As subscriptions are not required to be attached to hosts when SCA is enabled, workflows related to auto-attach are obsolete. You no longer need to:

  • Run subscription-manager attach --auto
  • Run hammer host subscription auto-attach
  • Set activation keys to auto-attach

Running the above commands will result in either a no-op (no change) or explicitly error.

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