Pre Linux, I used Windows.. (too many years in the wilderness :) ... however there was a ray of sunshine in amongst all the general virus/re-install flack.. and that was Notepad++, a text Editor I really like(d).
I'd probably still be using it, even now that I've shifted fully across to Linux(Ubuntu), but it doesn't behave 100% in 'wine'... (and its regex is stunted)...
There is one feature in Notepad++ which I sorely miss, and that is the ability to display different SIZE fonts within a single document (at the same time)...
At some point, I started learning Hindi, and found that the Devanagari script really needs to be larger than the Latin script (used here)... Devanagari is by nature a "taller" script, with frills above, and below the main line, and has more detail.
Because of this I utilized Notepad++'s Syntax Highlighting to display my learning notes in a manner my eyes could handle...
Now my dilemma, is to find a Linux Text Editor which can (at least) do what Notepad++ can do (ie. allow me to specify my own mix of font SIZES, and also to specify my own comment-delimiters)...
Now, the big ask... What I would really like is an editor which is "Human-Language" aware, or "Font-Type" aware, or "Unicode-Codeblock" aware... so I don't have to fiddle and twiddle with syntax-highlighting, which is really not intended for what I want.. (PS... I don't want a word-processor)
In October, last year, I asked here about SciTe (Scintilla) specifically (Notepad++ is based on Scintilla), but as per one answer, it is too painful :) ... A comment suggested that Emacs could do it, so if that means "at the same time", then I'm interested, but I need some initial pointers on how to go about it...
Here is an example of the Notepad++ presentation..