I'm trying to write a bash script which would log all descendants process information in below format but I have to log the info only when a process has more than six descendants process.

10 9 1 (indicates child)
9 8 2 (indicates parent)
8 7 3 (indicates grand parent)
Pstree -ps 10 should display:

How to trigger dummy process in above manner?

Frankly I have no idea about bash script, only thing i was able to do was display PID's of a particular user.

while read -r processId;
    echo $processId
done <<< "$(ps -u $USER -o pid)"

I need to loop each PID & check if it has more than six descendants but before that I want to manually trigger six descendants process to start & test my script.

1 Answer 1


To start a script with seven descendants, you can use something like this:


if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then
    set -- 7

if [[ "$1" -gt 2 ]]; then
    "$0" "$(($1 - 1))"
    sleep 120

or more compactly,


[[ "$#" -ne 1 ]] && set -- 7

[[ $1 -gt 2 ]] && $0 $(($1 - 1)) || sleep 120

If this is given no or too many arguments, it sets its argument to 7. Then as long as its argument is greater than 2, it starts a child running the same script, with a decremented argument. When the argument reaches 2, it runs a two-minute sleep. (The limit is two because the last script and the sleep also count as one each.)

$ ./dummy &
$ pstree -p 1800554

You can request a different number of children by changing the argument:

$ ./dummy 6 &

This can be extended to start multiple children in each “generation”:


[[ "$#" -ne 2 ]] && set -- 1 7

for (( i = 0; i < $1; i++ )); do
[[ $2 -gt 2 ]] && $0 $1 $(($2 - 1)) || sleep 120 &

Run it as

./dummy 3 2 &

to start two generations with three children each.

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