I need to delete directories that only contain files (created/modified) older than X days.

I tried this, but it will only show files from today and not recursively...

for d in *; do   
  find "$d" -mindepth 1 -mtime -180 -print -quit | | grep -q . ||     
  echo rm -rf "$d";
  • Firstly, mtime doesn't mean indicate the age of the files. It indicates the modification time. If that is actually what yo want, then you need -mtime +180. mtime -180 means modified within the last 180 days. I would also recommend against using * because you could accidentally return data that you don't want. To make sure, simply use the parent directory as the argument. Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 12:40
  • What should happen to a directory that contains child directories? Presumably you don't want to delete it as the children in turn might contain files that are younger than your age limit Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 12:54
  • @NasirRiley If a file is created or modified does not really matter. I need to delete the directory if the content is older than x. Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 13:49

2 Answers 2


You want "to delete directories that only contain files older than X days".

Here's one way of handling it:

  • For each directory in turn, starting from leaf nodes:
  • Count the number of its child directories; skip if non-zero
  • Count the number of its non-directory items; skip if zero
  • Count the number of its files matching your criterion (age)
  • Delete the directory if the two file counts are the same

This solution requires GNU find or an alternate version that understands -mindepth, -maxdepth, and printf.

This particular example sets your X to 180 (days).

find ./* -depth -type d -exec sh -c '
    [ -z "'"$days"'" ] && exit 1
    printf "Considering directory: %s\n" "$1"

    dirs=$(find "$1" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print | xargs)
    if [ -n "$dirs" ]
        printf "Found child directories: (%s)\n" "$dirs"
        exit 0

    all=$(find "$1" -maxdepth 1 ! -type d -printf x | wc -c)
    got=$(find "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime +'"$days"' -printf x | wc -c)
    printf "Found %d item(s) and matched %d\n" $all $got

    if [ $all -gt 0 ] && [ $all -eq $got ]
        printf "Delete directory: %s\n" "$1"
        : rm -rf "$1"
' _ {} \;

The seemingly strange quoting around the two uses of the variable $days is to ensure that although the rest of the script is enclosed in single quotes, the variable is enclosed in double-quotes so that its value can be determined. It may be more easily understood as '..start of script..' "$variable" '..remainder of script..', except that we have no spaces between the ending of one type of quotes and the start of the other.

Remove the printf statements if you want the code to run silently. Remove the colon (:) in front of the rm -rf when you are ready to execute the delete action.

  • shouldn't you put -mtime +179 for 180 days and more? this way it'll be 181 days and more... reference: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/92346/…
    – golder3
    Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 14:39
  • 1
    @golder3 the question actually says "older than X days", so I'll adjust my 180 to be X Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 14:43
  • my point was that if you input 180 as X you actually get files older than 181 days
    – golder3
    Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 14:55
  • @golder3 -mtime 180 will match files that were either modified precisely 181 days ago, or modified more than 181 days ago. That's what the OP asked for: "files older than 180 days". Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 15:15
  • 1
    Ah sorry missed that, so you're skipping directories that contain non-directory non-regular files even if they're all old. I suppose that makes sense and makes it a fail-safe if files of those types are not expected. Commented Feb 9, 2022 at 11:15

Assuming you want the shallowest directories that don't contain (at any level) non-directory files not older than 180 days (if both ./a/b and ./a don't contain recent files, only report ./a as ./a/b is part of that), that would be a variation on Listing only shallowest directories containing no files, all the way down, so you could use the same approach as my answer there if on a GNU system:

find . -type d -print0 -o -mtime -180 -printf 'f/%h\0' |
  LC_ALL=C sort -zru |
  LC_ALL=C awk -F/ -v RS='\0' '
    function parent(path) {
      sub("/[^/]*$", "", path)
      return path
    $1 == "f" {
      sep = path = ""
      for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) {
        black[path = path sep $i]
        sep = FS
    ! ($0 in black) && ($0 == "." || parent($0) in black)'

Where instead of painting black the directories that have any non-directory file, we paint black the ones that have any non-directory file not older than 180 days.

Or a variation which removes directories from an array when a recent file is found:

find . -type d -printf '%p/\0' -o -mtime -180 -printf '%h/f\0' |
  LC_ALL=C sort -zu |
  LC_ALL=C awk -F/ -v RS='\0' '
    function parent(path) {
      sub("[^/]+/?$", "", path)
      return path
    /\/$/ {dir[$0]; next}
      path = ""
      for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
        delete dir[path = path $i FS]
    END {
      for (path in dir) if (! (parent(path) in dir)) print path

If you want both ./a and ./a/b above (not only the shallowest), it becomes simpler:

find . -type d -printf '%p/\0' -o -mtime -180 -printf '%h/f\0' |
  LC_ALL=C sort -zu |
  LC_ALL=C awk -F/ -v RS='\0' '
    /\/$/ {dir[$0]; next}
      path = ""
      for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
        delete dir[path = path $i FS]
    END {
      for (path in dir) print path

If you want to delete them, add a -v ORS='\0' to awk to print them NUL-delimited, and pipe to xargs -r0 rm -rf, but beware that if ./ is returned (if there's no recent file anywhere in the current directory), most rm implementations will refuse to do anything¹.

Since those approaches run find and traverse the whole directory tree only once, they're more efficient than more naive approaches that crawl the contents of each directory for recent files.

One such less efficient approach in zsh:

print -rC1 -- **/*(ND/^e['()(($#)) $REPLY/**/*(NDm-180Y1^/)'])

(won't include ., though you could add it to the list with {.,**/*}(...))

If it's only the subdirectories of the current directory that you want to consider, then that approach becomes more efficient (as the Y1 above stops at the first match) as well as being shorter/simpler:

print -rC1 -- *(ND/^e['()(($#)) $REPLY/**/*(NDm-180Y1^/)'])

¹ as a work around for the fact that the expansion of .* in some shells includes . and .. and could be catastrophic with rm -rf .*. The rm builtin of zsh (a shell that doesn't have that misfeature), which you enable with zmodload zsh/files, will accept rm -rf ./ and empty the current working directory.

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