From a Linux Mint terminal window, when I ssh
into OpenBSD, the terminal window title remains the same as just the terminal username@localhostname:~
, whereas logging into Ubuntu the terminal window title will change to username@remotehostname:~
I have certainly found many solutions to fix this problem, but the solutions seem to be of many different sorts and rarely seem to be addressing the specific shells I am using.
So rather than good ol' "guess-and-check" to figure out which solution is for me, I would prefer to understand why I am having this problem in the first place so I can move to the next step of discovering a solution.
Why doesn't the terminal window title change when using ssh
to log into OpenBSD with Linux Mint?
OSC P s ; P t BEL somewhere.echo $PROMPT_COMMAND
, let's see.why doesn't...?
when you actually want to knowhow to ...?