What's the generic way to mute/unmute my system's default sound output?
$ amixer set Master mute
amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Master',0
$ amixer scontrols
Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0
Simple mixer control 'IEC958',1
Simple mixer control 'IEC958',2
Simple mixer control 'IEC958',3
Simple mixer control 'IEC958',4
Simple mixer control 'IEC958',5
I know the sound control had been moving away from amixer to Pulseaudio, however, I'm still able to use the ALSA "Master" control in my Debian 10, but not my Ubuntu 21.10, see above.
There is pactl set-sink-mute 0 1
from https://superuser.com/questions/805525/, but I tried it but that doesn't work for my Ubuntu 21.10 above.
All in all, I just need a generic way to mute/unmute my system's default sound output that is good across all my machines and all my Linuxes, just like the ALSA "Master" control.