I'm using this script to build and package some applications I developed. Full content of the script is listed at the end.
It is called by this crontab entry: 50 23 * * * nice $HOME/update-dl-wwwecm $HOME | tee -a $HOME/build-dl-wwwecm/log
For debugging I copied the script to a test directory ~/test/20211101/t/
and edited it slightly. (As in removing some of the packages that are hardcoded at the end of the script.) I also manually mkdir build-dl-wwwecm
and mkdir webrepos
in this test directory and hg clone
to get the following repos into the webrepos
lmacros macro collection (This one is required to build any of the others. And it should be listed as the first repo to update.)
Next I added an "every minute" line to my crontab like this: * * * * * nice $HOME/test/20211101/t/update-dl-wwwecm $HOME/test/20211101/t | tee -a $HOME/test/20211101/t/build-dl-wwwecm/log
The update script checks for incoming commits from the repos in the webrepos subdirectory. It then pulls the new commits and for every mak.sh
script file found in the build directory tree it changes into that file's directory and runs that file. This is the full mak.sh
#! /bin/bash
nasm -I ../lmacros/ -f bin transien.asm -l keephook.lst -o keephook.com "$@"
Now what I observe is if I call the update script myself logged in as my user (via ssh, running bash within screen, connected to the server with the ConnectBot app), then everything works as expected. The commands go like this: hg -R build-dl-wwwecm/keephook strip tip
(so the update script will find a new commit to pull) then ./update-dl-wwwecm "$PWD"
(to actually do the update, with the parameter for BASE specified as the test directory).
However, if the same script is called from the crontab then one thing is different: NASM appears to delete and then not create the output file keephook.com
- although it does create a keephook.lst
listing file that appears to be complete. No error or warning is found in the log file. All other applications are built fine.
Why is that and how to fix it?
Here's the full update script:
#! /bin/bash
# Usage of the works is permitted provided that this
# instrument is retained with the works, so that any entity
# that uses the works is notified of this instrument.
if [[ -z "$BASE" ]]
echo "Error: No base specified." >&2
exit 1
[[ -n "$2" ]] && BASE="$2"
[[ ! -d "$BDIR" ]] && mkdir -p "$BDIR"
[[ ! -d "$TDIR" ]] && mkdir -p "$TDIR"
[[ ! -d "$ODIR" ]] && mkdir -p "$ODIR"
function update() {
# $1 = path below BDIR
# $2 = "-r" if there is a branch
# $3 = branch name if there is a branch
if [[ ! -d "$BDIR"/"$1" ]]
hg init "$BDIR"/"$1"
cd "$BDIR"/"$1"
if var="$(hg incoming "$SDIR"/"$1" $2 $3)"; then
echo "$var"
hg pull "$SDIR"/"$1" $2 $3 && hg up $3
find . -name mak.sh -print0 | \
ONE="$1" xargs -r0 bash -c \
'for file; do echo === "$ONE"/"$file"; (cd "${file%/*}"; "./${file##*/}"); done' scriptlet
if [[ -f "$TDIR"/"$1".zip ]]
[[ ! -d "$ODIR"/"$1" ]] && mkdir -p "$ODIR"/"$1"
datestamp="$(date -r "$TDIR"/"$1".zip +%Y%m%d)"
echo === mv --backup=numbered "$TDIR"/"$1".zip "$ODIR"/"$1"/"$datestamp".zip
mv --backup=numbered "$TDIR"/"$1".zip "$ODIR"/"$1"/"$datestamp".zip
echo === zipping "$1"
7za a -mm=deflate -mx=9 -tzip "$TDIR"/"$1".zip *
update lmacros
update keephook
update shufhook
update rxansi
update lclock
update seekext
update tsr
update fdapm
update renumber
touch "$BDIR"/lastrun