Original question: how to copy a text/numeric field value to clipboard on linux for blender v2.93.4? https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/239139/how-to-copy-a-text-numeric-field-value-to-clipboard-on-linux-for-blender-v2-93-4
I open blender,
click on the cube,
show it's transform,
click on Dimension X,
it selects the text "2 m",
I type 5, hit enter, it shows "5 m", I click on it again, it selects "5 m",
I hit ctrl+c while the mouse is over the "5" selected number,
I hit TAB (goes to Y field),
I hit ctrl+v but it paste something that was on clipboard before, not "5 m"! not even "5" if I try it! The problem is that it does not COPY to clipboard, it can paste from but not copy to!
I added several keymapings for the "text.copy" action (beyond ctrl+c ctrl+insert), like mouse move, F5, etc but the problem seems to be blender cant send anything to the X clipboard.
I tried to find a way to let it dump to terminal or the blender info, but I cant find a way to let it happen with precision.
If I run blender like blender --log "*undo*"
it will dump imprecise displayed value like "2.12 m" instead of precise full value "2.12345", it helps but not enough.
If it could be logged with precision, if the displayed value could be shown precisely, may be it could work.
Any other tricks you can imagine that could let it happen?
gcore ... |strings
can find a unique "plain text" number I type there (3 times while the text is seleted, one time while not), but there is no constant text nearby that could be used as a clue/tip/hook that it is the selected text. May be something hexadecimal?
I think this may be some python bug? but I couldnt find where in blender code yet.
blender 2.93.4 ubuntu 20.04
Related: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/124294/clipboard-not-working-on-ubuntu-18-04-in-blender-2-79b, but nothing there helps.
, if I pkill it, blender will copy text normally! Trying to find a way to make both cope.