About share data (files and directories) among users within the same machine, has sense use the /srv directory it according with:

I am assuming it is still valid or recommendable - correct me if that changed

But - What should be the directory to be shared for user/groups but for software oriented for development? i.e: Java, Maven, Gradle (all available from a .tar.gz file). It because has no sense have repeated the same unpacked directory for each user.

  • Why would the development tools not be installed as software is ordinarily installed on the system? I.e. via a package tool like yum or apt, or if locally compiled, installed under /usr/local (or your system's best equivalent)...
    – Kusalananda
    Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 16:41
  • If I work with CI (Jenkins) I would installed many JDK versions, 11,15 and 17 - same for Gradle and Maven - it to test a project through many environments. You are right of course - for the repositories I use that approach for DB for example - mysql or postgresql - according with some tutorials, is not recommendable compile/install - is better use the repository Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 18:19

1 Answer 1


There are 2 kinds of programs:

  1. Linux like. Their files are spread over all filesystem in accordance to files type/usage. No issues with that kind of programs. They are managed well by package managers.

  2. Windows like. Every program file in one program-specific folder. Like C:/Program files/XXX Not good way. But if you have one or few such programs in Linux place it in /opt

Or you can create a directory in /home for such purposes. /home/opt for example. That case might be useful if you afraid of conflicts between your software and software that automatically chooses /opt.

A software that to be used by only one person might be installed into ${HOME}/bin But it is not your case.

  • If I work with CI (Jenkins) I would installed many JDK versions, 11,15 and 17 - same for Gradle and Maven - it to test a project through many environments. The mentioned software(s) are installed simply by unpackaging and updating either the .bash_profile or .profile files with the respective settings for them Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 18:25
  • 1
    @ManuelJordan It depends on a Java package type. 1 st or 2nd, described above. In the 1st case you can specify different root folders to install(i.e. to change / path for that installation). And that folders could be in /opt/java/ In the 2nd case, just unpack it into /opt/java/ subfolder. Also, there must be a guide to manage with multiple JDK's for Jenkins. Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 18:56
  • Yes, I know how configure Jenkins for multiple JDK/Maven/Gradle - but remember pls the goal is install all the developers tools in one shared folder (but where?) for multiple developers in the same PC, consider 2 brothers and 1 cousin - all studying in the same university and the same career - not sure that common is use /opt specially because the content is managed by the root - it requires root privileges create something there Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 19:00
  • 1
    @ManuelJordan /opt/devtools/... and so on. I hope it won't cause any trouble with other software. Just install everything there and share it. Another possible case /home/devtools Commented Sep 10, 2021 at 19:43
  • I am sure the software installed by hand and configured/defined on .profile does not exist installed through the repositories - I am going to use /opt/somename - not sure why use /home/devtools - other user would assume devtools is an user, and that's not correct Commented Sep 10, 2021 at 23:11

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