So I am using the Pine Phone running Debian and it comes preinstalled with an app Chatty which does SMS but isn't able to do MMS. A community member had their own branch which runs MMS so I went and built that from source and uninstalled the original Chatty through apt but it seems like now I am not able to update this from either building from source or through apt. Either way when I look at my app version it shows v0.1.12 and the current version is v0.4.

Now my issue is I know Chatty isn't installed through apt because when I run sudo apt remove chatty I get back not installed, so not removed and when I go in and uninstall through version built from source with ninja uninstall -C build that runs just fine but Chatty is still there. My current theory is a few months back I made the clone for the MMS branch and built it from source but when trying to pull more recent code it didn't work so I deleted that directory without uninstalling it so that is the current install.

Is there any way to delete this app? When I installed through apt or build from source they both seem to install but they still open the older version. So if not a way to uninstall is there a way to make it launch a specific version? Because in theory I have just built the most recent version of the program but it doesn't launch that version.

1 Answer 1


It sounds like you have root/shell access to it, some things you can try (as root):

  • apt-get purge chatty # it's more thorough
  • dpkg-query -S chatty # if it were installed, where?

In that source version you have, retry the install and capture the output and see if it's telling you all the locations it's installing to. Then remove it again, and go check that all those paths are now correctly absent.

If you know when you installed it last time, you can use find to scour the entire filesystem for files modified the same day, combining options to bracket a day in the past. find / -name chatty is fine too, if you don't have a bunch of remote stuff mounted onto your host.

You may have both installed, but one earlier in your $PATH and hiding the other one. You can look as briefly as:

 for dir in ${PATH//:/ } ; do 
    [ -x $dir/chatty ] && echo found in $dir

If you're in a long-running Bash shell, it may have recorded where one was, and not be looking hard enough for where the want you want is now: Run hash -r and then try again.

  • Thanks for the response. This is nearly three years old so I can't verify that this works but I did upvote your answer. In the end I think I ended up just deleting it from /usr/bin and reinstalled after that. Though I could be wrong.
    – greenbug
    Commented Jul 11 at 16:59
  • 1
    That approach is sometimes the right thing, and if it works, now, it's probably fine :-) Commented Jul 12 at 19:31

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