Most of these answers are insane; if this is a one-off, just struggle through manually entering file names. Otherwise, if it's a consistent need, determine a pattern, write a solution and version control as your requirements evolve.
Here is a directory with some log files
~ $ ls /var/log | wc -l
I am only interested in wifi
and system
logs for some daily aggregate blah blah.
~ $ ls /var/log/system* /var/log/wifi* | wc -l
Create a "Daily Aggregate Blah" strategy and commit (not shown).
$ ls /var/log/system* /var/log/wifi* | wc -l
~ $ mkdir /tmp/selectstrategies
~ $ pushd /tmp/selectstrategies/
/tmp/selectstrategies ~
/tmp/selectstrategies $ printf "%s\n" "/var/log/system*" "/var/log/wifi*" | tee /dev/stderr >StrategyDailyAggregrate
Write small utility script to perform whatever task using a strategy file and commit to repo (not shown).
$ cat ./
set -eu
<$1 xargs -t sh -c 'ls $@' -
$ ./ StrategyDailyAggregrate
sh -c 'ls $@' - '/var/log/system*' '/var/log/wifi*'
/var/log/system.log /var/log/wifi.log.0.bz2
This was off the top of my head, but you get the point; if you need a bespoke solution, just write a simple, dirty and quick mvp. Iterate if needed, but no bells, no whistles.