Is there a way to make the reposync command ignore a subdir of a public repo when mirroring it ?

It seems to only want to sync on the url that has the /repodata/ & /repoview/ dirs, but i'm wanting to avoid that because the repo i'm trying to mirror has 17MB of stuff i want in one subdir under the dir that has repodata in it, and 9GB of stuff I don't in another dir.

1 Answer 1


All appearances are that reposync won't do exactly what you are looking for.

Assuming that you are wanting the latest version of a few packages from a specific repo, rather than reposync, you could use repoquery to find and download the package(s):

grab the file for the machine and arch you are running on.

wget repoquery --location flash-plugin

grab a whole directory of packages:

repoquery --location -a --repoid adobe-linux-x86_64 | xargs wget

Not quite like reposync but may meet your needs. You don't get the whole repo, you only get the rpms themselves, but you could convert that into a local repo if that is what you need, or just serve up via http is that meets your needs.

  • ok, i figured reposync would do it just because it's so well known. Bummer ! I'll look into your repoquery suggestion though, looks promising.
    – Sirex
    Commented Feb 11, 2013 at 18:36
  • repoquery + grep FTW.
    – Samveen
    Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 3:14

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