I've followed this guideline to the point where I encrypt the target partition:
cryptsetup -h sha256 -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p3
Then, the error appears, even though I'd unmounted the home partition previously like so: umount -l /home
The reason for the -l-flag was that it didn't work without it. Moreover, in order to get so far, I had to boot my system till reaching the user-login screen, then press CTRL+ALT+F2
to get into tty2
, there log into my user via "login" and "password", then unmount the "/home" - partition forcefully.
Even though I'd checked previously via gparted which is the mount-point on the hard-drive related to /home, it states
"Device /dev/nvme0n1p3 is in use. Can not proceed with format operation."
albeit having unmounted "/home" previously.
How can I finish encrypting my "/home" - partition with LUKS (cryptsetup)? Could I use this in the same way to encrypt my swap, /temp, and /var/temp as well, since I couldn't encrypt the entire ubuntu 20.04 installation due to being installed in parallel to Windows 10?