I have a main file bla.tsv (FS=\t
id hub fil plop
34 ji ji
54 jo jo
46 ja ja
And a info file hub.csv (FS=,
And I want to print the info of hub.csv
into the column hub
of bla.tsv
like this:
id hub fil plop
34 fuse ji ji
54 jo jo
46 fose ja ja
I managed to print the correct info in the correct line but at the column after the last one:
awk -v OFS="\t" 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' FS="," hub.csv FS="\t" bla.tsv > result.tsv
How can I fill the second column of bla.tsv
with the value found in hub.csv
(if any)? Note that the structure of bla.tsv
is already "correct", i.e. there is an empty second column in all lines after the header (two consecutive \t
after the ID).