I installed neomutt recently I am not able to add my gmail account to it. How can I authenticate in neomutt as gmail client without writing password in config files as plain text ? I am using KeepassXC and I hope i is possible authenticate this way.
I configured my account file like this:
set from = [email protected]
set spoolfile = ~/Mail/Gmail/INBOX
set record = ~/Mail/Gmail/Sent
set trash = ~/Mail/Gmail/Trash
set postponed = ~/Mail/Gmail/Drafts
set header_cache = ~/Mail/Gmail/Cache
set sendmail = "msmtp -a gmail"
How can I authenticate my self in neomutt using keepassxc ?
EDIT: I have found out how to send password in plaintext to stdout from keepasscx-cli link. How can i use that to authenticate to neomutt ?