I'm doing some development on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4gb of ram. After about a week of using the default WM, lxde/openbox, I decided a really needed a tiling capability. So much better for development. I've always been a fan of DWM because it's fast and simple. However, in my brief experience with i3wm, I like what I believe to be a unique feature when it comes to containerizing desktops. For example, if I'm on desktop 1, and open firefox, then I move to desktop 2 and open two terminals before firefox finishes loading, I want firefox on desktop 1. Not on 2 cluttering up my terminals.
The problem is that i3wm is running stupid slow. It's driving me nuts. Does i3 have known performance issues compared to other tiling window managers? Is there a lighter alternative which still behaves as described above? Or is this some other type of issue? I haven't used i3 much but I'm pretty certain I used it about a decade ago without issue, on a desktop which at the time was probably significantly slower than a modern rpi.