It certainly is possible to share a home folder (or partition) over different linux distributions.
But take the following notes:
- UID and GID must be the same on each distributions for the certain user(s).
- (as already pointed out) different configuration files for the same programs could result in unexpected behavior.
- If you install all distributions onto the same boot folder, make sure that the bootloader handles the different distributions correctly.
I have a working (virtual) setup:
/dev/sda (40GB)
+-/dev/sda1 /boot (100MB, ext2)
+-/dev/sda3 swap (2GB)
+-/dev/sda4 /home (20GB, ext4)
+---/dev/sda5 /root (Ubuntu 10.04, 5GB, ext4)
+---/dev/sda6 /root (Fedora 14, 5GB, ext4)
+---/dev/sda7 /root (openSUSE 11.3, 5GB, ext4)
+---/dev/sda8 /root (ArchLinux 2010.05, 5GB, ext4)
Ubuntu and Fedora both run Gnome 2.30, openSUSE has KDE4 and ArchLinux LXDE. All distributions have their necessary boot files on one partition.
Switching between the distributions provides a persistent user configuration like intended.
The other possibility would be a lightweight home folder (doesn't have to be a whole partition) for each of the distributions, only providing the necessary configuration files (.gnome2, .kde4, .compiz, .themes, etc.) and a shared data partition with the "heavy" stuff (documents, pictures, videos, music, etc.). Symbolic links in each of the distributions own home folder would then point to the shared partition.
Afterwards, this can be expanded at will to include other stuff as well.
Example: You have eclipse
IDE installed on all distributions and want the same configuration and source files available everywhere. You can create symbolic links on each distributions home folder to the shared one to achieve this.
This would be Ubuntu:
$ ls -l /home/user
.eclipse -> /mnt/shared/.eclipse
Documents -> /mnt/shared/Documents
workspace -> /mnt/shared/workspace
And openSUSE:
$ ls -l /home/user
.eclipse -> /mnt/shared/.eclipse
Documents -> /mnt/shared/Documents
workspace -> /mnt/shared/workspace
And so on..
If you're not sure about interfering configuration files, try the second, safer way and find out which home components can be shared easily between the installed distributions.