I liked SensorSmith answer at Forward SIGTERM to child in Bash, but for my systemctl script, it resulted in a double SIGTERM, because systemctl sends SIGTERM to the parent bash instance AND the child I am running. The result was instant termination before my child could gracefully shut down.

What's the proper way to handle SIGTERM in a bash script based service?

1 Answer 1


So I ended up with this and I am happy:


    echo $0 SIGTERM

    wait ${term_child_pid} 2>/dev/null
    trap - TERM INT
    wait ${term_child_pid} 2>/dev/null

trap 'script_term' TERM INT
node index.js

It waits properly in all the cases I care about, though it does not SIGTERM the child when the parent bash is SIGTERM'd.

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