The command I am currently using to backup one HDD to another (locally, not remotely) is

rsync \
    -ab \
    --human-readable \
    --inplace \
    --delete-after \
    --debug=NONE \
    --log-file=/media/blueray/WDPurple/rsync.log \
    --backup-dir=red_rsync_bak.$(date +"%d-%m-%y_%I-%M-%S%P") \
    --log-file-format='%t %f %o %M' \
    --exclude='lost+found' \
    --exclude='.Trash-1000' \
    /media/blueray/WDRed \

if I use --delete-after rsync consider the moved directories as deleted and created directories.

As a result, when I move directories in source, it delete those directories from the destination and then copy them from the source. Often it takes a long time as I sometime move large directories in the source.

I found few solutions to this problem.

  1. Patch rsync.

  2. without patch.

  3. use BorgBackup or bup

  4. use --fuzzy --delay-updates --delete-delay

However, each has its own issues.

The patch was created long ago and I am not sure whether it will have issues with the modern rsync or not. Moreover, maintaining a patch is difficult for me.

Option two create a mess in my HDD. moreover, I use many more rsync options and not sure whether it will be safe or not.

As far option 3 is concerned, I invested a lot of time with rsync and now do not want to move to new tool. Moreover, those tools have their own issues.

Regarding option 4, a rename using --fuzzy --delay-updates --delete-delay of /test/10GBfile to /test/otherdir/10GBfile_newname would still resend the data, since it's not in the same directory. It has a lot more issues. Ex. --delay-updates conflicts with with --inplace.

So, the solution I am looking for is to use --itemize-changes with --dry-run and get the list of directories moved then first run mv in the destination (It will be great if it have a prompt like x will be moved to a/x in destinition, y will be moved to b/y in destinition,c/z will be moved to z in destinition. Do you want to continue?) and then run my rsync command mentioned in the top. I am ready to consider directory with same name and size as similar directory.

Suppose the directory tree looks like:

├── dest
│   ├── test
│   │   └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
│   ├── test2
│   │   └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
│   └── test3
│       └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
├── src
│   ├── grandpartest1
│   │   └── partest
│   │       └── test1
│   │           └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
│   ├── grandpartest2
│   │   └── partest2
│   │       └── test2
│   │           └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
│   └── grandpartest3
│       └── partest3
│           └── test3
│               └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc

I noticed that if I move directories the --itemize-changes output looks like:

% rsync --dry-run -ai --inplace --delete-after /home/blueray/Downloads/src/ /home/blueray/Downloads/dest/
.d..t...... ./
cd+++++++++ grandpartest/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest/partest/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest/partest/test/
>f+++++++++ grandpartest/partest/test/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
cd+++++++++ grandpartest2/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest2/partest2/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest2/partest2/test2/
>f+++++++++ grandpartest2/partest2/test2/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
cd+++++++++ grandpartest3/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest3/partest3/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest3/partest3/test3/
>f+++++++++ grandpartest3/partest3/test3/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
*deleting   test3/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
*deleting   test3/
*deleting   test2/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
*deleting   test2/
*deleting   test/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
*deleting   test/

we can get the deleted directories using:

% echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "*deleting.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done

Added directories using:

% echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "cd++.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done | while read spo; do echo ${spo##*/}; done

Directories that were both added and deleted using:

$ sort  <(echo "$deletedirectories") <(echo "$addeddirectoriesvalue") | uniq -d

Directory size in byte, to compare both are same directory (more or less, this will work for me) using:

% /usr/bin/du -sb "/home/blueray/Documents/src/test2/test" | grep -oh "^\S*"
% /usr/bin/du -sb "/home/blueray/Documents/dest/test" | grep -oh "^\S*"

The script I came up with so far is:


dryrunoutput=$(rsync --dry-run -ai --inplace --delete-after $source $destination)
deletedirectories=$( echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "*deleting.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done )
addeddirectorieskey=$( echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "cd++.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done )
addeddirectoriesvalue=$( echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "cd++.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done | while read spo; do echo ${spo##*/}; done )

intersection=$( sort  <(echo "$deletedirectories") <(echo "$addeddirectoriesvalue") | uniq -d )

sourcesize=$(/usr/bin/du -sb "${source}test2/test" | grep -oh "^\S*")

destsize=$(/usr/bin/du -sb "${destination}test" | grep -oh "^\S*")

if [[ "$destsize" == "$sourcesize" ]]
  mv "${destination}test/" "$destination$addeddirectories"

If you notice mv "${destination}test/" "$destination$addeddirectories", here part of the path is hard coded. It has other issues as well. It only work for single directory and stuff like that.

P.S. I know similar name and size does not mean they are same, but in my case it will work. My directories are the main problem, files are not. So, I am not really worried about file move detection. I am only interested in directory move detection.

  • 2
    You might be interested in lsyncd, which looks at a tree with inotify, so it can detect if you actually just move files/dirs around. Commented Jan 8, 2021 at 14:18
  • 2
    unix.stackexchange.com/questions/6411/… proposes non-rsync solutions. I recommend using one of them rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. Commented Jan 8, 2021 at 16:47
  • 1
    @Gilles'SO-stopbeingevil' I actually decided to go with borgbackup. Commented Jan 8, 2021 at 20:42
  • You may also want to consider filesystems like zfs (or maybe btrfs) which can snapshot file systems and send streams representing the difference between two snapshots to replicate somewhere (zfs send/zfs recv). Commented Jan 9, 2021 at 7:50
  • 1
    @alecxs no. --remove-source-files remove from source. --delete-after delete from destination. Commented Jan 13, 2021 at 20:17

1 Answer 1


You could use this as a basis for your backups. It requires that the source and destination filesystems can handle hard-linked files, and that you don't mind the destination files remaining hard-linked into a working directory between runs. There is a dependency on GNU's version of find for the -printf option that writes out the file's inode and relative path.

# Usage: [<rsync_args...>] <src> <dst> 
src="${args[-2]}"          # '.'
dst="${args[-1]}"          # eg 'remote:/tmp/dest'
unset args[-1] args[-1]    # Yes really

# Create the working set space
mkdir -p "$src/$temp"

# Build the set of files indexed by inode
echo Create inodes >&2
find "$src" -path "$src/$temp" -prune -o -type f -printf "%i\t%P\0" |
    while IFS= read -d '' -r line
        inode="${line%%$'\t'*}" file="${line#*$'\t'}"
        ln -f "$src/$file" "$src/$temp/$inode"

# Copy the index and then the full tree
echo Copy inodes >&2
rsync -avPR "${args[@]}" "$src/./$temp/" "$dst/"

echo Copy structure >&2
rsync -avHPR --delete-after "${args[@]}" "$src/./$temp/" "$src/./" "$dst/"

# Remove the working set on the source (not essential but you may prefer it)
echo Tidyup >&2
rm -rf "$src/$temp"

If you call it dsync and put it into your path, you could use it like this

dsync /media/blueray/WDRed /media/blueray/WDPurple

or potentially

dsync --info=PROGRESS2,BACKUP,DEL --backup --human-readable --inplace --delete-after --log-file=/media/blueray/WDPurple/rsync.log --backup-dir=red_rsync_bak.$(date +"%d-%m-%y_%I-%M-%S%P") --log-file-format='%t %f %o %M' --exclude='lost+found' --exclude='.Trash-1000' /media/blueray/WDRed /media/blueray/WDPurple
  • 95% done. The only problem is it is still creating the backup directories within the new directory. Ex. red_rsync_bak.15-01-21_09-02-30am inside red_rsync_bak.15-01-21_09-03-04am instead of beside. Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 23:04
  • Now I understand what is going on. --delete-after delete the old red_rsync_bak.15-01-21_09-02-30am that is why it shows up inside red_rsync_bak.15-01-21_09-03-04am. One solution may be to use an absolute path for --backup-dir= (though I have not tested it yet). However, this script does not work at all with --delete-delay. I am awarding the bounty but please fix these issues at your convenience as others might find your script useful. Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 4:33

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