The command I am currently using to backup one HDD to another (locally, not remotely) is
rsync \
-ab \
--human-readable \
--inplace \
--delete-after \
--debug=NONE \
--log-file=/media/blueray/WDPurple/rsync.log \
--backup-dir=red_rsync_bak.$(date +"%d-%m-%y_%I-%M-%S%P") \
--log-file-format='%t %f %o %M' \
--exclude='lost+found' \
--exclude='.Trash-1000' \
/media/blueray/WDRed \
if I use --delete-after
rsync consider the moved directories as deleted and created directories.
As a result, when I move directories in source, it delete those directories from the destination and then copy them from the source. Often it takes a long time as I sometime move large directories in the source.
I found few solutions to this problem.
--fuzzy --delay-updates --delete-delay
However, each has its own issues.
The patch was created long ago and I am not sure whether it will have issues with the modern rsync or not. Moreover, maintaining a patch is difficult for me.
Option two create a mess in my HDD. moreover, I use many more rsync
options and not sure whether it will be safe or not.
As far option 3 is concerned, I invested a lot of time with rsync
and now do not want to move to new tool. Moreover, those tools have their own issues.
Regarding option 4, a rename using --fuzzy --delay-updates --delete-delay
of /test/10GBfile to /test/otherdir/10GBfile_newname would still resend the data, since it's not in the same directory. It has a lot more issues. Ex. --delay-updates
conflicts with with --inplace
So, the solution I am looking for is to use --itemize-changes
with --dry-run
and get the list of directories moved then first run mv
in the destination (It will be great if it have a prompt like x will be moved to a/x in destinition, y will be moved to b/y in destinition,c/z will be moved to z in destinition. Do you want to continue?) and then run my rsync
command mentioned in the top. I am ready to consider directory with same name and size as similar directory.
Suppose the directory tree looks like:
├── dest
│ ├── test
│ │ └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
│ ├── test2
│ │ └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
│ └── test3
│ └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
├── src
│ ├── grandpartest1
│ │ └── partest
│ │ └── test1
│ │ └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
│ ├── grandpartest2
│ │ └── partest2
│ │ └── test2
│ │ └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
│ └── grandpartest3
│ └── partest3
│ └── test3
│ └── empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
I noticed that if I move directories the --itemize-changes
output looks like:
% rsync --dry-run -ai --inplace --delete-after /home/blueray/Downloads/src/ /home/blueray/Downloads/dest/
.d..t...... ./
cd+++++++++ grandpartest/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest/partest/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest/partest/test/
>f+++++++++ grandpartest/partest/test/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
cd+++++++++ grandpartest2/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest2/partest2/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest2/partest2/test2/
>f+++++++++ grandpartest2/partest2/test2/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
cd+++++++++ grandpartest3/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest3/partest3/
cd+++++++++ grandpartest3/partest3/test3/
>f+++++++++ grandpartest3/partest3/test3/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
*deleting test3/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
*deleting test3/
*deleting test2/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
*deleting test2/
*deleting test/empty-asciidoc-document.adoc
*deleting test/
we can get the deleted directories using:
% echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "*deleting.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done
Added directories using:
% echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "cd++.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done | while read spo; do echo ${spo##*/}; done
Directories that were both added and deleted using:
$ sort <(echo "$deletedirectories") <(echo "$addeddirectoriesvalue") | uniq -d
Directory size in byte, to compare both are same directory (more or less, this will work for me) using:
% /usr/bin/du -sb "/home/blueray/Documents/src/test2/test" | grep -oh "^\S*"
% /usr/bin/du -sb "/home/blueray/Documents/dest/test" | grep -oh "^\S*"
The script I came up with so far is:
dryrunoutput=$(rsync --dry-run -ai --inplace --delete-after $source $destination)
deletedirectories=$( echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "*deleting.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done )
addeddirectorieskey=$( echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "cd++.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done )
addeddirectoriesvalue=$( echo "$dryrunoutput" | grep "cd++.*/$" | awk '{print $2}' | while read spo; do echo ${spo%?}; done | while read spo; do echo ${spo##*/}; done )
intersection=$( sort <(echo "$deletedirectories") <(echo "$addeddirectoriesvalue") | uniq -d )
sourcesize=$(/usr/bin/du -sb "${source}test2/test" | grep -oh "^\S*")
destsize=$(/usr/bin/du -sb "${destination}test" | grep -oh "^\S*")
if [[ "$destsize" == "$sourcesize" ]]
mv "${destination}test/" "$destination$addeddirectories"
If you notice mv "${destination}test/" "$destination$addeddirectories"
, here part of the path is hard coded. It has other issues as well. It only work for single directory and stuff like that.
P.S. I know similar name and size does not mean they are same, but in my case it will work. My directories are the main problem, files are not. So, I am not really worried about file move detection. I am only interested in directory move detection.
zfs send
/zfs recv
remove from source.--delete-after
delete from destination.