I installed Chromium on Mint 20 using apt following the docs here
$ apt list chromium
Listing... Done
chromium/ulyana,now 87.0.4280.66~linuxmint1+ulyana amd64 [installed]
Then I added Google as the default search engine for Chromium.
But when I type into Chromium's address bar, no suggestions from Google show up.
Google autocomplete is working just fine after adding to Firefox following these docs. Also the autocomplete works for other search engines (e.g., DuckDuckGo) included by default with the Chromium install.
Did I install or configure Chromium wrong, or is there something in Mint 20 blocking me from using Google search with Chromium? (I've never had this problem on Ubuntu, macOS, etc.).
Here are my Chromium settings for "Sync and Google services". I have autocomplete enabled. Tried with all enabled, still didn't work.
Search engines that came default like DuckDuckGo initially had autocomplete working in Chromium, but when I removed them and re-added them autocomplete stopped working for them also.
? IIRC, it has to be turned on manually in Chromium.