This is the shellchecked and updated code. I would be very grateful for any help! More specifically, the code will either not run, or it will run but it will return an error message, and I will be unable to enter any numbers that will be the price of a meal. The error message that pops up when I attempt to run the code is: stinput: command not found and then : command not found which repeats twice. Update: I tried the code the way that user down below suggested so this is the updated code and the error message:
total=$(( $1 * $2))
total=$(("$total" / 100))
total=$(("$total" + $3 + "$NumberofInputs"))
echo "The price of the meal is: $1"
echo "The tax for the meal is: $2"
echo "The tip for the meal is: $3"
echo "The total amount paid is: $total"
exit 1
UPDATE: When I remove the first part of user000001 code, I get this error: bash: * : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "* ") bash: "" / 100: syntax error: operand expected (error token is """ / 100") bash: "" + + : syntax error: operand expected (error token is """ + + ") But when I leave the 1st part of user000001's code in, I get this error message: echo I'm sorry, that is incorrect, please enter only 3 parameters.: command not found
UPDATE: I figured out the answer, it was removing the quotations and spacing all the variables together. Thank you to everyone for your help!
etc? What do you mean it "either not runs, or runs with errors"? Which one is it? What errors do you get?