I'm following The Unix Programming Environment exercises
and have encountered some weird issues. While going through the ed
exercise, when you
just start ed
, type in the exercise, then do
w poem
It saves in the filesystem as 'poem '
I tested another file, start ed
, type in some words,
w raistlin
and it saves as 'raistlin '
with the same result (filename in single quotes followed by one space), though I tested on a third, and if I start off with the file name it saves as a normal file. Has anyone else seen these results? I know it's a little esoteric, I think I'm probably 1 of 7 people on the whole earth using ed
this weekend. I'm using Manjaro Arch.
nor with the nativeed
on OpenBSD. Where do you see these filenames, is it in thels
output? What doesprintf '>>%s<<\n' *
output for these files?ed
but to something that your input is passing through).printf '%s\n' PATTERN | od -ah
is some pattern that matches at least of the names.