I am running a script to rsync a folder from client to server.
Syntax applied on the script is
rsync -avzP --append-verify --delete -e "SSH parameters" source_dir user@host:destination
But when the rsync is interrupted due to network issues, the source file gets corrupted when the rsync restarts.
Example: Source file before transfer.
root@localhost:~# ls -Alth
total 1.1G
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.0G Nov 12 08:56 testfile1GB
Source file after the transfer was interrupted and then restarted.
root@localhost:~# ls -Alth
total 152M
rw------- 1 root root 152M Nov 15 17:46 testfile1GB
Currently used rsync version 3.1.1 protocol version 31.
Please note rsync version cannot be updated.
Let me know if there is any suggestions.