Noob(ish) to Linux here, and trying to pick up new/useful tricks; I was wondering if there's some way to send the output of a command straight to the clipboard?
Something similar to (pseudo-code):
dircolors --print-database > clipboard
Noob(ish) to Linux here, and trying to pick up new/useful tricks; I was wondering if there's some way to send the output of a command straight to the clipboard?
Something similar to (pseudo-code):
dircolors --print-database > clipboard
I will suggest here to use xclip :
1- You will need first to configure X11 display :
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost no
Restart the sshd service
service sshd restart
Open new ssh session with X11 forwarding enabled :
ssh -X <your_server>
2- Install libXmu-devel :
yum install libXmu-devel
sudo apt-get install libxmu-dev
3- Clone xclip repository and compile the program :
git clone
make install
4- Add the command as an alias to your profile to create a shortcut that will save a lot of your time :
vi ~/.bashrc
alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -o'
5- Use case :
cat file | pbcopy
Then the content of your file is copied to your clipboard
When I asked I didn't realize there'd be any real difference between doing what I was looking to do when in WSL vs. "regular" (non-wsl) linux.
After looking over a bunch of references, in my WSL case, the easiest way seems to be to use window's clip.exe
, rather than installing something like xclip, creating a bunch of aliases/scripts, etc.
I will try those as well on my Raspberry PI (Raspbian), but for now in WSL just doing this is working great:
<command> | clip.exe
dircolors --print-database | clip.exe