In the process of adding a new ActiveDirectory domain controller to our network, we decided to rename the domain from "domain.local" to "domain.priv." I scoured all parts of our application server for instances of "domain.local," replacing them with "domain.priv." I did change hostname and change the content of files in /etc/mail which had "domain.local" in them.

I also navigated to /etc/mail and rebuilt sendmail using make. New files with our new domain were generated, which was promising.

I then restarted sendmail and sent test emails, but none are being successfully sent.

Pertinent entry from /var/log/maillog:

Authentication-Warning: server_name.domain.priv: deploy set sender to [email protected] using -f

Which other places on the server could contain the old domain name? What should I configure/reconfigure to ready this application server for the domain name change? At this point I'm not sure if it's sendmail, a DNS issue or simply the contents of some file on the application server

Thanks and cheers!

2 Answers 2


To change the sendmail configuration, you need to change the sendmail.mc file an rebuild the configurations. This stuff is nowadays in /etc/mail, and after editing /etc/mail/sendmail.mc you have to run make there (sorry, the setup can vary quite a bit, you'll have to dig into the documentation).

  • In /etc/mail I do not have sendmail.mc In fact, running locate sendmail.mc yielded no results.
    – Tass
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 14:51
  • 1
    In Fedora at least, you have to install a separate package that contains the configuration machinery for sendmail.
    – vonbrand
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 14:59

Two things were keeping mail from being sent out. The nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf was pointing to an IP address which no longer existed. I did not know this new domain controller/exchange server would have a new IP address. I changed an entry in /etc/resolv.conf to nameserver to nameserver

/etc/hosts also contained an entry which had the old IP address. I changed this as well. Once both of these changes were made I restarted sendmail. After that, emails began to be successfully transmitted.

In troubleshooting this issue I found great value in using telnet, I'd never used it before. I highly recommend it.

Thank you for helping, @vonbrand. I greatly appreciate it.

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