In /var/log/cron.log I noticed that CRON runs "@reboot jobs" right after I start my computer.
Is there a way for me to see the list of the jobs CRON triggers then?
I don't think there's an easy way to see all configured cron
First, check the global crontab file under /etc/crontab
for anything containing @reboot
grep '^\s*@reboot' /etc/crontab
As root
, you can check the crontab
of your users like this:
crontab -u $user -l | grep '^\s*@reboot'
with the name of a user on your system.
You can run
sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/crontab \
/etc/cron.d/* \
to see all cron jobs.
Filter it with
sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/crontab \
/etc/cron.d/* \
/var/spool/cron/crontabs/*' | grep '^\s*@reboot'
(as noted by @rexkogitans)