Why do I have a negative number for system boot in the last (duration) column of the "last" command?enter image description here

  • A related question is unix.stackexchange.com/q/605207/5132 , where the questioner is in Kolkata rather than Dubai or the Seychelles. You should tell people your default timezone, how your RTC is being understood, and what system management toolset (systemd, runit, upstart, et al.) you are using with (say) the output of timedatectl or some such, edited into the question.
    – JdeBP
    Commented Sep 11, 2020 at 7:06

1 Answer 1


The last column shows how long the user has logged in as a difference between login and logout time, negative time may be listed when the clocks were not in sync i.e. the date/time was incorrect when the time was logged.

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