I have got the commands to pick up the date from a line comparing them with current date, I am looking to print another field from same line in if-then statement.

cat /tmp/OutPrint |cut -d' ' -f 2 | while IFS= read line; do
    now=$(date | cut -d' ' -f 4)
    time_now=$(date -u -d "$now" +"%s")   #seconds
    time_line=$(date -u -d "$line" +"%s") #seconds
    difference=$(echo $((time_now - time_line)))
    if [ $difference -ge 2592000 ] 
        echo "Time difference is greater than 30 days"
        echo "Time difference is less than 30 days"

Below is the content of my file from which I am comparing the date with the current date. If the difference is more than 30 days I need the first field to be printed in the then statement.

How can I print the first field in the then statement ?


anhtdg5 03-Jul-2019  
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losyej9 09-Mar-2017  
nhtgsy57 09-Mar-2017  
bpolise3 09-Mar-2017  
uioshye2 14-Mar-2018   
zsethfyu 23-Nov-2018  
cnhysge 23-Mar-2018  

1 Answer 1


You want to use the first field, but cut it off before sending it to while.

Why not simply use read to separate the fields:

while read name date; do
    time_line=$(date -u -d "$date" +"%s")
    echo "$name"
done < /tmp/OutPrint

Your script has several additional complicated notations that somehow work, but could be written in better ways:

  • Useless use of cat.

  • Why you save an intermediate $now variable to use with date instead of use date directly:

    time_now=$(date -u +"%s")
  • Useless use of echo to save an output of command to a variable:

    difference=$((time_now - time_line))
  • You could also directly use it in your if statement instead of saving to a variable at all:

    if [ $((time_now - time_line)) -ge 2592000 ]

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