I used the Universal USB Installer application to copy the latest ISO image from Linux Mint DE (64 bits) and install it on my PC, however when I try to reboot it I have the option to choose my connected USB device as "UEFI: ... USB ..." but when I choose it it doesn't do anything, the screen goes black for a couple seconds then loads windows 7 normally.

Should I do something before trying to boot into the USB device? This is my first time trying to install a linux distro on a UEFI-based PC I never had a problem like this before. Thanks in advance.

  • This does not address you particular problem, but might be helpful: Information about how to set up Debian on UEFI
    – Marco
    Commented Dec 26, 2012 at 23:18
  • I see, so maybe I need a .efi file in the USB to be able to boot it? I was browsing the files and there's no EFI folder or anything like that Commented Dec 27, 2012 at 0:45
  • No you don't need any .efi, read my answer below...
    – YoMismo
    Commented Oct 22, 2014 at 6:43

5 Answers 5


I've had issues where unetbootin didn't set the correct volume label; some distributions expect to be able to mount the volume by volume label.

I've gotten around this by using the dd utility to copy the entire filesystem from the .iso to the USB drive.

For example, if the USB is at /dev/sdc and your Linux Mint installation image is at /home/me/mint.iso:

dd bs=4m if=/home/me/mint.iso of=/dev/sdc

The of argument tells it the output file to write to, so make sure you point it at the right drive - and make sure you point it at the volume itself, not a partition like /dev/sdc1.

I've personally booted from Linux isos on EFI systems using this method and it's been fine.

  • Sounds good, however since I haven't been able to install or even boot the live cd of any linux distro due to this uefi problem I can't use the dd command (currently on win7) do you have any idea how I should do it? Commented Dec 27, 2012 at 4:05
  • Nvm, I was able to boot a live usb image of ubuntu 12.10 and tried your suggestion, still the problem persists :( Commented Dec 27, 2012 at 4:34
  • Remember to use oflag=direct and sync after dd when writing to USB sticks
    – ajeh
    Commented May 11, 2018 at 14:47

I believe you did not mount your ISO to your USB. You can use something like UNetbootin to mount it. Shouldn't be a problem.

  • I did but I had the same problem, Universal USB Installer works pretty much the same anyways Commented Dec 27, 2012 at 2:08
  • Oh, forgive my ignorance. Have you tried (Care to try?) other versions of Linux Mint?
    – elwc
    Commented Dec 27, 2012 at 2:39
  • No worries, I tried the regular version 14 but same outcome.. Commented Dec 27, 2012 at 4:03

You should do a couple of changes in your BIOS. First you should disable Safe Boot mode, look for it in your BIOS, then you should activate CSM to let all the boot devices be visible (at least in my asus x550c) then disable fast boot. I think with those changes you should be ready to go. Wipe your F*?-ng Windows and install that linux distro you are willing to install.

In case you want to keep your windows, I think you will have to do a couple more changes otherwise your grub won't boot, but I didn't get that far, I just wiped all windows 8.x partitions.


I had been having frustrating times trying to use a once-easy method of thumbdrive booting with different hardware arrangements, and was very glad to have the specifics spelled out for me upon discovering the "Notes about bootability" section of this posting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick (which essentially lays out how finnicky different hardware is.) I think this will address your issue.

I saw a great UEFI multi-bootingtutorial in a Linux magazine a year or more ago.. it would have either been Linux Format or possibly Linux Pro ..? (I heard on a podcast that Linux Voice might be closing.. a shame! They offer all issues free online once they've aged 9 mos.)

  • Please revise this answer as it's currently of doubtful quality. Chit-chat, and unrelated comments aren't suitable for this site. Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 2:22

I used Pinguy Builder (as alternative to Remastersys, which is not available) to create a custom disc of my Linux Mint 18.3. I used the built-in USB Image writer to make a live USB. It worked with all UEFI-based PCs.

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