I have appuser
user in RHEL OS. This user is not in the wheel
[appuser@NTTAXB01 ~]$ grep wheel /etc/group
[appuser@NTTAXB01 ~]$ getent group wheel
But sudo
access is possible with this user.
[appuser@NTTAXB01 ~]$ sudo su
[sudo] password for appuser:
[root@NTTAXB01 appuser]#
How is this possible? Am I missing anything?
id appuser
andgrep -v "#" /etc/sudoers
output.$ id appuser
uid=1000(appuser) gid=1001(appuser) groups=1001(appuser)
, it may be defined individually for this user.grep -v "#" /etc/sudoers
.root ALL=(ALL) ALL appuser ALL=(ALL) ALL secadmin ALL=(ALL) ALL %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL