In journalctl --verify
some apparently mysterious (as I found no trace of any rationale explanation about this phenomenon on the Internet using Google) output shows up:
# journalctl --verify 2>&1 | grep -v '^PASS: '
7fffa0: Unused data (entry_offset==0)
7fec48: Unused data (entry_offset==0)
7ffe20: Unused data (entry_offset==0)
7ffed0: Unused data (entry_offset==0)
7ffd50: Unused data (entry_offset==0)
7ffda0: Unused data (entry_offset==0)
7ffdf0: Unused data (entry_offset==0)
This rises following Questions:
- Where is this documented?
- What does this mean?
- Has the admin to stay alert due to this?
- Or can it be ignored? If so, why does it exist then?
- How to get rid of such entries?
- What is the BCP in response to this?
Thanks in advance for any hints.