There is no official command line tool to parse or validate openssl.cnf. I built a compatible bash
function however. man config is certainly something you need to read and reread.
IMPORTANT: If you config is busted, this won't work. Fix it!
The example openssl.cnf
needs to be a bit dirtier for the sake of testing:
#set this! it forces ${var}/$(var); treats $var as a string literal
.pragma = dollarid:true
#with a huge config you are eventually going to want to section it out
.include my_other_conf.cnf
#safe variable mapping, always use to avoid config errors
DS = / #set a default variable value (DS = \ in Windows)
DS = ${ENV::DS} #value above used if DS isn't mapped in the shell
#indent every section for readability
dir = /home/auhorities/ca_one
certs = $dir/certs
database = $dir/index.txt
serial = $dir/serial
dir = /home/auhorities/ca_two
certs = $dir/certs
database = $dir/index.txt
serial = $dir/serial
[ section_test0 ] #this is just how nasty (but valid) things get
space_test= " space " ' test '
var_test_ = boop
var_test.0 = ${var_test_} #local syntax
var_test.1 = $(var_test_) #alt syntax
var_test.2 = ${section_test0::var_test_} #$section::name syntax
var_test.3 = ${ENV::DS} #$ENV::name syntax
dollarid_test = $var_test_ #$dollarid:off only
escape_test = H\C3\A0 N\E1\BB\99i \ \# \\
test_multiline= 123 \\ \ \
Now sanitize the config file- remove comments, empty lines, trailing/leading white space, and white space inside [ section ]
labels and name = value
Assign any resulting name=value
pairs like SSL_CONF[section,name]=value
with the following:
declare -A SSL_CONF #initialize our config array
declare SSL_CONF_SECTION #set last section
function ssl_include(){
local m a id d="$3" c="${1:-$OPENSSL_CONF}" e='a-zA-Z0-9_' #start in last section. dollarid:false (default). set conf file. regex to match sections
[[ ! -r "$c" ]] && return #the file isn't readable
SSL_CONF_SECTION="${2/ /}" #set section
[ -d "$c" ] && local d='nodir' c="\"${c%/}/*.cnf\" \"${c%/}/*.conf\"" #conf is a dir
while IFS= read -r l || [ -n "$l" ]; do #build SSL_CONF array
l="${l%%[^\\]#*}" #remove comment
if [ "$m" != '' ]; then #last line ended with /
[[ "$l" =~ [^\\]\\$ ]] && l="${l:0:-1}" || m='' #check for continued multiline
SSL_CONF[${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /},${m}]="${SSL_CONF[${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /},${m}]}${l//[^\\]\\$/}" && continue #add current line to last conf and move to next line
l="${l#"${l%%[![:space:]]*}"}"; l="${l%"${l##*[![:space:]]}"}"; [[ "$l" == '' ]] && continue #remove leading/trailing whitespace, then skip empty lines
if [[ "$l" =~ ^\.include[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(.*)$ ]]; then #include additional files
[ "$d" == 'nodir' ] && continue #dir loaded conf files cant include further
local d='no' i="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" o="${OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE:-${c%/*}}" #no variable parsing, store last match, handle default include path
[[ ! "$i" =~ ^\.{0,2}/ ]] && i="${o%/}/${i}" #append default path to relative paths
for f in "$i"; do [ -r "$f" ] && ssl_include "$f" "${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /} " "$d"; done #parse additional configuration files, keeping section
[[ "${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /}" == '' && "$l" =~ ^\.pragma[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(dollarid)[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*(true|on)$ ]] && id=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} && continue #see how local variables are parsed
[[ "$l" =~ ^\[[[:space:]]*([${e}]+)[[:space:]]*\]$ ]] && SSL_CONF_SECTION=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} && continue #set section name
if [[ "$l" =~ ^([${e},\;.]+)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(.+)$ ]]; then #name value pair
local n="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" v="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
[[ "$v" =~ [^\\]\\$ ]] && o="$n" #found a multiline value
SSL_CONF[${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /},${n}]="${v//\\[^nbrt\$\\\#]/}" && continue #add name value to SSL_CONF array
done< <(cat $c 2>/dev/null) #loop through the config(s)
The logic followed was:
- comments, blank lines, leading/trailing white space is ignored
[ section_name ]
and name = value
internal white space is ignored
and .pragma
don't require an =
. It was allowed for backwards compatability
can be anywhere in the file
.include /dir/
includes *.cnf
and *.conf
in the defined directory. It disables .include
processing in the included files
and $var
names can consist of a-z
, and _
can consist of a-z
, and ,
- a
ending in a single \
(backslash) continue to the next line
- some sequences require escaping with
like so: \\
Now you have an associative array like SSL_CONF[section,name]=value
. The .include=(.*)
files are parsed recursively as soon as they are encountered. .pragma=dollarid:true
is also processed so you can accurately parse variables.
Now you have one last problem: CONFIGURATION VARIABLES. They are currently assigned as ${var}
, ${section::var}
, ${ENV::var}
, $var
, $section::var
, $ENV::var
AND $(var)
, $(section::var)
, $(ENV::var)
(who knew?). Luckily we can loop through our SSL_CONF
array and assign the real values:
[ "$id" != '' ] && a='\{' #ignore not bracketed variables
local f="[^\\\\]*(\\\$(\(|\{|${a})([${e}]+)(::([${e}]+))?(\)|\}|))" # match $var ${var} $(var) unless preceded by \
for k in "${!SSL_CONF[@]}"; do #loop through our array looking for variables
local o #last value placeholder
while [ "${SSL_CONF[$k]}" != "$o" ]; do #only loop if the variable changed
o="${SSL_CONF[$k]}" #set loop to exit on no change
if [[ "${SSL_CONF[$k]}" =~ $f ]] && \
[[ "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}${BASH_REMATCH[6]}" == '' || "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}${BASH_REMATCH[6]}" == '()' || "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}${BASH_REMATCH[6]}" == '{}' ]] #brackets match
then #the value contains a variable
local r=' #' #replacement indicator (illegal value)
[[ "$r" == ' #' && ${SSL_CONF[${k%%,*},${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]+isset} ]] && r="${SSL_CONF[${k%%,*},${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]}" #local variable
[[ "$r" == ' #' && ${SSL_CONF[default,${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]+isset} ]] && r="${SSL_CONF[default,${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]}" #'default' variable
[[ "$r" == ' #' && ${SSL_CONF[,${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]+isset} ]] && r="${SSL_CONF[,${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]}" #default variable
if [ "${BASH_REMATCH[5]}" != '' ]; then #variable is from another section, default, or ENV
[[ "$r" == ' #' && "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" == "ENV" ]] && r="${!BASH_REMATCH[5]:-${SSL_CONF[,${BASH_REMATCH[5]}]}}" #environment variable
[[ "$r" == ' #' && ${SSL_CONF[${BASH_REMATCH[3]},${BASH_REMATCH[5]}]+isset} ]] && r="${SSL_CONF[${BASH_REMATCH[3]},${BASH_REMATCH[5]}]}" #section variable
[ "$r" != ' #' ] && SSL_CONF[$k]="${SSL_CONF[$k]//${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/$r}" #replace our variable with the value
And now all of your variables are their computed values!
Here is the full function and example code:
declare -A SSL_CONF #initialize our config array
declare SSL_CONF_SECTION #set last section
function ssl_include(){
local m a id d="$3" c="${1:-$OPENSSL_CONF}" e='a-zA-Z0-9_' #start in last section. dollarid:false (default). set conf file. regex to match sections
[[ ! -r "$c" ]] && return #the file isn't readable
SSL_CONF_SECTION="${2/ /}" #set section
[ -d "$c" ] && local d='nodir' c="\"${c%/}/*.cnf\" \"${c%/}/*.conf\"" #conf is a dir
while IFS= read -r l || [ -n "$l" ]; do #build SSL_CONF array
l="${l%%[^\\]#*}" #remove comment
if [ "$m" != '' ]; then #last line ended with /
[[ "$l" =~ [^\\]\\$ ]] && l="${l:0:-1}" || m='' #check for continued multiline
SSL_CONF[${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /},${m}]="${SSL_CONF[${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /},${m}]}${l//[^\\]\\$/}" && continue #add current line to last conf and move to next line
l="${l#"${l%%[![:space:]]*}"}"; l="${l%"${l##*[![:space:]]}"}"; [[ "$l" == '' ]] && continue #remove leading/trailing whitespace, then skip empty lines
if [[ "$l" =~ ^\.include[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(.*)$ ]]; then #include additional files
[ "$d" == 'nodir' ] && continue #dir loaded conf files cant include further
local d='no' i="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" o="${OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE:-${c%/*}}" #no variable parsing, store last match, handle default include path
[[ ! "$i" =~ ^\.{0,2}/ ]] && i="${o%/}/${i}" #append default path to relative paths
for f in "$i"; do [ -r "$f" ] && ssl_include "$f" "${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /} " "$d"; done #parse additional configuration files, keeping section
[[ "${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /}" == '' && "$l" =~ ^\.pragma[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(dollarid)[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*(true|on)$ ]] && id=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} && continue #see how local variables are parsed
[[ "$l" =~ ^\[[[:space:]]*([${e}]+)[[:space:]]*\]$ ]] && SSL_CONF_SECTION=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} && continue #set section name
if [[ "$l" =~ ^([${e},\;.]+)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(.+)$ ]]; then #name value pair
local n="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" v="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
[[ "$v" =~ [^\\]\\$ ]] && o="$n" #found a multiline value
SSL_CONF[${SSL_CONF_SECTION// /},${n}]="${v//\\[^nbrt\$\\\#]/}" && continue #add name value to SSL_CONF array
done< <(cat $c 2>/dev/null) #loop through the config(s)
[ "$d" != '' ] && return #don't parse variables in included files, just return the section name
[ "$id" != '' ] && a='\{' #ignore not bracketed variables
local f="[^\\\\]*(\\\$(\(|\{|${a})([${e}]+)(::([${e}]+))?(\)|\}|))" # match $var ${var} $(var) unless preceded by \
for k in "${!SSL_CONF[@]}"; do #loop through our array looking for variables
local o #last value placeholder
while [ "${SSL_CONF[$k]}" != "$o" ]; do #only loop if the variable changed
o="${SSL_CONF[$k]}" #set loop to exit on no change
if [[ "${SSL_CONF[$k]}" =~ $f ]] && \
[[ "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}${BASH_REMATCH[6]}" == '' || "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}${BASH_REMATCH[6]}" == '()' || "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}${BASH_REMATCH[6]}" == '{}' ]] #brackets match
then #the value contains a variable
local r=' #' #replacement indicator (illegal value)
[[ "$r" == ' #' && ${SSL_CONF[${k%%,*},${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]+isset} ]] && r="${SSL_CONF[${k%%,*},${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]}" #local variable
[[ "$r" == ' #' && ${SSL_CONF[default,${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]+isset} ]] && r="${SSL_CONF[default,${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]}" #'default' variable
[[ "$r" == ' #' && ${SSL_CONF[,${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]+isset} ]] && r="${SSL_CONF[,${BASH_REMATCH[3]}]}" #default variable
if [ "${BASH_REMATCH[5]}" != '' ]; then #variable is from another section, default, or ENV
[[ "$r" == ' #' && "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" == "ENV" ]] && r="${!BASH_REMATCH[5]:-${SSL_CONF[,${BASH_REMATCH[5]}]}}" #environment variable
[[ "$r" == ' #' && ${SSL_CONF[${BASH_REMATCH[3]},${BASH_REMATCH[5]}]+isset} ]] && r="${SSL_CONF[${BASH_REMATCH[3]},${BASH_REMATCH[5]}]}" #section variable
[ "$r" != ' #' ] && SSL_CONF[$k]="${SSL_CONF[$k]//${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/$r}" #replace our variable with the value
Usage: ssl_include <file/dir>
Your two desired values are in ${SSL_CONF[ca_one,certs]}
and ${SSL_CONF[ca_two,certs]}
(The example script echos these values).
Minor Notes:
bash -version
5.03.3(1), openssl version
OpenSSL 1.1.1g
wc -l openssl.cnf
824, grep -c '[^\\]=.*[^\\]\$' openssl.cnf
167, time ./ openssl.cnf
- If
isn't assigned by the time it is referenced, openssl
will fail. The script doesn't
- all config options set before any section are set as
. This avoids collisions with [default]
. [default]
is checked first.
- any invalid escape sequence should be deleted properly, but there's an openssl bug (see "Bugs" in
man config
) that prevents me from verifying
- can't get
working with openssl
, so I cannot verify my implementation. can someone make me a working .pragma
config so I can remove this note?
- not yet tested on
splices an .import
into the file where it was declared. If your import has a [section]
defined, you are in that [section]
moving forward. It is responsible for many confusing errors