How might a node in a Bash pipeline only peek at, but not consume, its input stream?

For example, how might I modify the following script so that it outputs "print" instead of nothing? In particular, how might I modify or replace grep --quiet print so that it only peeks at, but does not consume, its input?

printf "%s\n" a b print c |
  if grep --quiet print
    grep print | cat


Desired output:


Ideally, I seek a program peek that is similar to grep, but that doesn't consume its input. peek print would return error code 0 if it finds "print" in the input and if not, returns a non-zero error code.

Here's how peek would work in my example:

printf "%s\n" a b print c |
  if peek print
    grep print | cat



The reason I want to do this instead of simply filtering the results with grep print is to avoid processing empty search results that might cause an error.

  • 1
    In the case where your Q is "how can I ran a command (eg. cvsq) only if its input (eg. the result of grep) is not empty, then you probably don't have to save the entire search result in a variable or tempfile, a single byte should suffice: PRODUCER | grep PATTERN | { t=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null; printf x); t=${t%x}; [ "$t" ] && { printf '%s' "$t"; cat; } | CONSUMER; }
    – user313992
    Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 18:40
  • That's an interesting solution. Can you break it down for me? Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 18:56
  • I think I see how your script works. It reads a single byte from the input stream and then pipes this byte and the rest of the input stream to the consumer only if the original input has at least one byte. Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 19:01
  • It's basically the same thing as the accepted answer from the linked Q, only simplified a bit (it won't handle NUL bytes in the input). In fact, you really can peek at a pipe in linux with the tee(2) system call, but there's no generally available shell utility that can use it, so the only thing left are such hacks.
    – user313992
    Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 19:03
  • @mosvy, if you were to promote your comment to an answer, I would accept it as the answer. Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 22:05

4 Answers 4


A straight forward approach I can think of is to use a temporary storage for output. It can be done with minimal modification of your code like this:

atmp=$(mktemp "/tmp/XXXXXX")

printf "%s\n" a b print c | tee $atmp | 
  if grep --quiet print
    grep print $atmp 
rm $atmp #cleanup

For small volumes of output that may be acceptable.

  • I'm not able to grasp the purpose of this. Why not just print ... > "$atmp"; grep print "$atmp" ? ;-)
    – user313992
    Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 17:35
  • 1
    No difference if all you need is to get the grepped line printed. The question was phrased more generally about reusing the output.
    – Tagwint
    Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 17:45
  • @mosvy I want to avoid processing empty search results. In my specific case, the search results may include CSV rows, including a header, which the script subsequently passes to csvq to filter the CSV rows. In the event that the search finds no CSV rows and no header, csvq reports an error which I want to avoid. Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 17:47
  • @DerekMahar you should give a better, more complete example
    – user313992
    Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 17:53
  • @mosvy I think my example captures the essence of what I want to achieve, though stating more clearly why I wanted to do this might have been beneficial. Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 17:55

Another approach similar to @Tagwint's answer is to store the result of grep print in a shell variable and then print the contents of that variable only if there are search results:

printf "%s\n" a print b print c |
 if result=$(grep print)
   echo "$result";



This would be acceptable where the search results are not too large.


I also solved the problem in this specific example using fionread which @mosvy implemented in his answer to How to check if a pipe is empty and run a command on the data if it isn't?.

printf "%s\n" a b print c | grep print | ./fionread echo found


printf "%s\n" a b c | grep print | ./fionread echo found


Note that gcc easily compiles fionread.c on FreeBSD 11.3:

$ gcc -o fionread fionread.c
$ echo test | grep test | ./fionread echo found
$ echo | grep test | ./fionread echo found
  • I can't also accept this answer, but it gets honorable mention because it solves the problem that the example in the question raised and because fionread is a useful tool and smaller than ifle from package moreutils. Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 21:59

While not a standard Unix utility or Bash script, I decided to solve the problem in this specific example using ifne from moreutils:

printf "%s\n" a b print c | grep print | ifne echo found


printf "%s\n" a b c | grep print | ifne echo found


@Nick Wirth referred to lfne in his answer to How to check if a pipe is empty and run a command on the data if it isn't?.

Thank you to @mosvy for referring me to this existing question.

  • I can't also accept this answer, but it gets honorable mention because it solves the problem that the example in the question raises using handy tool ifle from package moreutils. Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 22:00

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