I have been trying to connect remotely to the server of my department using Remmina (my OS is Linux). I am able to connect to it via the terminal using SSH (ssh user@ip_adress). As the work I am supposed to do is relatively complex for me, I am trying to connect to the server with a more user-friendly interface (as if I am working on my own laptop).
I have been working on other servers via Remmina (but only with SSH) for similar purposes, but this is the first time I am trying to set up an RDP-connection.
Using SSH on the terminal, I would first connect to the university using Cisco, and then connect via "ssh username@ipadress".
In Remmina, I am entering:
protocol: RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol
server: ipadress
user name: username
user password: mypassword
I end up with the error:
Unable to establish a connection to RDP server -ipadress-
I have browsed online for some time, but couldn't find anything related to my issue:
- I tried to set the "Security" settings to "RDP" (I also tried with TLS, and others).
- Keeping the "Enable SSH tunnel" unselected has not helped.
I want to mention that I don't have sudo priviliges on the server.
I was hoping that someone could help me with the following:
- Do I need to prepare/setup anything on the server before connection from my laptop?
- Is the way I entered the information into Remmina okay?
- What would be a good way to proceed from here on? I started trying to connect with Remmina, but is there maybe a better option?