TLDR: I install fwupd, check for updates, tell it to install the updates, and reboot. After that, checking for updates just shows all the same updates again, as if they haven't installed.

I'm running Debian 10 Buster x64 on a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon 4th gen. Possibly irrelevant, but the model number is 20FBCTO1WW. I'm trying to use fwupd to install firmware updates. I install it and start the service:

sudo apt-get install fwupd
sudo service fwupd start

List all the devices that have updates:

root@london:~# fwupdmgr get-devices

20FBCTO1WW System Firmware
  DeviceId:             c66f3753f0a35b3874d65546d4b7b10896d44ce2
  Guid:                 81cba30b-c2d4-4e66-bcf3-69d81ba890b0
  Plugin:               uefi
  Flags:                internal|updatable|require-ac|supported|registered|needs-reboot
  Version:              0.1.8
  VersionLowest:        0.1.8
  Icon:                 computer
  Created:              2020-01-25

UEFI Device Firmware
  DeviceId:             6f92d954409bb3c145828fbbc0346c3ca12f2a9a
  Guid:                 cb3c1682-5386-4591-bd29-7c1f441b7ccb
  Plugin:               uefi
  Flags:                internal|updatable|require-ac|supported|registered|needs-reboot
  Version:              176.0.1202
  VersionLowest:        176.0.1202
  Icon:                 audio-card
  Created:              2020-01-25

  DeviceId:             310f45f1f223064b5c16bf6dff31146755a64480
  Guid:                 cce2386f-6d68-5f85-9f3f-ebead9288696 <- NVME\VEN_144D&DEV_A802&REV_01
  Guid:                 77bb4022-9503-586c-99b7-c8a64502da30 <- NVME\VEN_144D&DEV_A802
  Guid:                 8fd4ca73-d0ae-52e8-8977-461435c6f4cf <- NVME\VEN_144D
  Guid:                 e339432d-beab-53b2-9a9f-e0787a1ecb8b <- SAMSUNG MZVKV512HAJH-000L1
  Serial:               bla
  Summary:              NVM Express Solid State Drive
  Plugin:               nvme
  Flags:                internal|updatable|require-ac|registered|needs-reboot
  Vendor:               Samsung Electronics Co Ltd
  VendorId:             NVME:0x144D
  Version:              6L0QBXX7
  Icon:                 drive-harddisk
  Created:              2020-01-25

Listing all the updates shows quite a few too (which I've omitted to save on space):

root@london:~# fwupdmgr refresh

Fetching metadata https://cdn.fwupd.org/downloads/firmware.xml.gz
Downloading…             [***************************************]
Fetching signature https://cdn.fwupd.org/downloads/firmware.xml.gz.asc

root@london:~# fwupdmgr get-updates

20FBCTO1WW System Firmware has firmware updates:
GUID:                    81cba30b-c2d4-4e66-bcf3-69d81ba890b0
ID:                      com.lenovo.ThinkPadN1FET.firmware
Update Version:          0.1.42
Update Name:             ThinkPad X1 Carbon 4th / X1 Yoga 1st System Update
Update Summary:          Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 4th / X1 Yoga 1st System Firmware
Update Remote ID:        lvfs
Update Checksum:         SHA1(efb007a2bda94c96d60c349a6f24cc80d51d7322)
Update Location:         https://fwupd.org/downloads/a06bbb48aa46c90497459ac6e98157f2acfe1778-Lenovo-ThinkPad-X1Carbon4th-X1Yoga1st-SystemFirmware-1.42.cab
Update Description:      Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 4th / X1 Yoga 1st System Firmware Version 1.42

I run the updates:

root@london:~# fwupdmgr update -v

Downloading 0.1.42 for 20FBCTO1WW System Firmware...
(fwupdmgr:2813): FuCommon-DEBUG: 09:11:45.120: creating path /root/.cache/fwupd
(fwupdmgr:2813): FuMain-DEBUG: 09:11:45.132: skpping download as file already exists
(fwupdmgr:2813): Fwupd-DEBUG: 09:11:45.134: Emitting ::status-changed() [decompressing]
Decompressing…           [-                                      ](fwupdmgr:2813): Fwupd-DEBUG: 09:11:45.162: Emitting ::status-changed() [idle]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
(fwupdmgr:2813): Fwupd-DEBUG: 09:11:45.162: Emitting ::status-changed() [waiting-for-auth]
Authenticating…          [ -                                     ](fwupdmgr:2813): Fwupd-DEBUG: 09:11:45.162: Emitting ::status-changed() [idle]
Authenticating…          [***************************************]
Could not check for auth: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files

I don't understand the errors about waiting for authorization, since I'm running this as root. After a reboot, fwupdmgr still says "No history" of updates. Even if I install the .cab firmware file directly, it still doesn't seem to update:

fwupdmgr install --allow-reinstall /root/.cache/fwupd/a06bbb48aa46c90497459ac6e98157f2acfe1778-Lenovo-ThinkPad-X1Carbon4th-X1Yoga1st-SystemFirmware-1.42.cab

What am I doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


The relevant error is the last line:

Could not check for auth: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files

Install the package that provides the org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 file:

sudo apt-get install policykit-1

Assuming everything else with fwupd is configured correctly, it should run the update.

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