For instance, I have the following in a tab separated text file with two columns:

blah    ABC_DE_23154_e53G_12
blah    DEF_GH_23165_f35H_36
blah    CED_BF_56412_c56T_21

I am using the following awk script to extract the lines that matches the third number in the second column falling in a specific range (between 23153 and 23167) after the second underscore (which doesn't work):

awk -F "_" '$2>23153 && $2<23167' *.txt >> output.txt

Output inside the "output.txt" file should be:

blah    ABC_DE_23154_e53G_12
blah    DEF_GH_23165_f35H_36

I have around 600 text files with around 8000 lines of data in each file.

Thanks, plasma33

  • 1
    Can blah ever contain a _?
    – Ed Morton
    Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 21:38
  • It doesn't, thanks for checking. However, it would be great to have a work around that. Commented Jan 28, 2020 at 15:18
  • If you want a solution that includes a workaround for that then you should include that in your sample input/output so we have something to test against that produces a pass/fail result for input that includes that case.
    – Ed Morton
    Commented Jan 28, 2020 at 15:19

2 Answers 2


I think the first problem is $2 in your awk script, because with $2 is the second column (DE, GH, BF, ...), not the third one where the numbers you want to compare are.

Then, there should be a condition and what you want to do if the condition is met.

awk -F'_' '($3>23153 && $3<23167){print}' *.txt >> output.txt

There is a condition in () and action in {}.


As I've been reminded in the comments, {print} action is the default one, so you can further simplify the awk script to:

awk -F'_' '($3>23153 && $3<23167)' *.txt >> output.txt


Tried with Python

for i in k:
    if int(k) > 23153<23167:
        print i.strip()


blah    ABC_DE_23154_e53G_12
blah    DEF_GH_23165_f35H_36
blah    CED_BF_56412_c56T_21

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