I do have the following find-file
find . -type f -iname "*$1*" -printf '%P\n' \
| GREP_COLORS="sl=0;33;49:ms=1;34;49" grep --color=always '^\|[^/]*$' \
| grep -i --color=auto "$1"
which does:
- colorize the path part
- colorize the pattern in the base name part
Problem: after the pattern, the colour is reset
For the base name part, it could be entirely white, that'd solve the problem (though I did not find the way to change this).
For the path part, it'd stay a problem, as you can see in the above screenshot: the colour is reset, hence we don't see anymore where the file path really ends!
Is there a solution to this?
EDIT -- There were 3 solutions to this!! All below proposals do work, they have light differences, but they do answer the question. I choose the one which highlights all occurrences of the pattern, and is almost a one-line, but honestly choosing was tough, as they're quite equivalent…
EDIT -- One wished improvement to this: that the find results don't get blocked until analysis, that is that the output gets flushed and processed line per line. Is this possible?
(seeman grep
). Tried it, but addingGREP_COLORS="ne=1"
before the last grep does not solve the problem. It even uses theGREP_COLOR