I am Using Ubuntu 18.04 and Higher Versions.
The gnome-lock screen/ gnome-screensaver what ever it is called,
There are two possibilities of locking the screen in my use case:
- Lock the screen with Super+L default shortcut.
- When the session idle-delay reaches. [
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay <'x' seconds>
In the 1st case - the lock screen appears first and then system goes to black screen/dimming what ever it is called.
There is a workaround for this case: How do I prevent the blank screensaver when using keyboard shortcut to lock the computer?
For the 2nd case - the system starts fading to black and then screen gets locked (which is only seen when we move the mouse or hit any key that the screen is locked.)
Question: how can we programmatically completely remove this screen dimming/fading in both the cases.
Target: when screen gets locked either manually or automatically, just show the lockscreen.