
I have an old bash script with a big section parsing its arguments. It happens now that I need to call this section twice, so I plan to move it to a function to avoid code duplication.

The problem:

In that section, set --, shift and $@ are used, meaning that they won't apply to the script anymore, but to the function, which is wrong.


From within the function, is there any way to get and set the script arguments ?


Something like this:

# > 5000 lines

   # about 650 lines

   # set --
   # $@ $* $1 ...
   # shift <n>

while (( $# > 0 )); do
   case $1 in
         <some code here>
         <some more code here>

      <other conditions and code here>

         <some different code here>
         <some different more code here>
   shift 1
  • 1
    Why do you have to operate on the script arguments? Could you not use another array with a copy of them?
    – user147505
    Commented Dec 17, 2019 at 14:34
  • At least the "get" half of your question is covered here: Is there a way to get the positional parameters of the script from inside a function in bash? Commented Dec 17, 2019 at 14:35
  • 1
    Call your function with the arguments of the script: myfunc "$@".
    – Kusalananda
    Commented Dec 17, 2019 at 14:44
  • 1
    @Tomasz. Because this script is old, is about 5000 lins long, and has at least more than 100 set --, $@ and shift combine. I would like better to avoid having to refactor it completely, if possible, or to do it the lightest way possible if I have too. You know: ideal world vs reality;
    – Jacques
    Commented Dec 17, 2019 at 14:46
  • @Kusalananda. It's OK to get the params, but not to set them.
    – Jacques
    Commented Dec 17, 2019 at 14:46

1 Answer 1



From the discussion above, I implemented a solution. This is not, by far, the one I dreamed of, because of the verbosity of ${args_array[1]}, compared to $1. Makes the source less readable. So improvements, or a better solution are still welcome.


Tested, something like this:



# set -x
PS4='${xchars:-+} ${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO} (${FUNCNAME[@]}) + ' # full stack

set -- a b c d e f g h


args_array=( "$@" ) # script args here

args_shift() # Usage readability OK, replaces shift <n>
   typeset n=${1:-1}

               echo "args_shift $1 in ${FUNCNAME[1]} -- ${args_array[@]}"

   args_array=( "${args_array[@]:$n}" ) # ${1:-1} unsupported in this context

               echo "args_shift $1 in ${FUNCNAME[1]} ++ ${args_array[@]}"

args_set() # Usage readability OK, replaces set -- <args>
               echo "args_set $@ in ${FUNCNAME[1]} -- ${args_array[@]}"

   args_array=( "$@" ) # function args here

               echo "args_set $@ in ${FUNCNAME[1]} ++ ${args_array[@]}"

# Usage
# search/replace OK, and good readability afterward
# shift <n> ---> args_shift <n>
# set -- <args> ---> args_set <args>

# search/replace OK, but bad readability afterward, and refactoring--
# $@ ---> ${args_array[@]}
# $# ---> ${#args_array[@]}
# $1 ---> ${args_array[0]}   !!! 1 -> 0
# $2 ---> ${args_array[1]}   !!! 2 -> 1
# etc



   args_set A B C D

# main

echo "main -- ${args_array[@]}"
args_shift 2
echo "main ++ ${args_array[@]}"


main -- a b c d e f g h
args_shift  in f -- a b c d e f g h
args_shift  in f ++ b c d e f g h
args_shift 2 in main -- b c d e f g h
args_shift 2 in main ++ d e f g h
args_shift  in f -- d e f g h
args_shift  in f ++ e f g h
args_set A B C D in g -- e f g h
args_set A B C D in g ++ A B C D
args_shift  in main -- A B C D
args_shift  in main ++ B C D
args_shift  in f -- B C D
args_shift  in f ++ C D
main ++ C D


  1. Works but not the most readable solution, and refactoring not so light, because there are several forms of usage to take into consideration: $1, more or less ${1[:/][^}]} or ${!1[:/][^}]} etc, while avoiding those in function, awk, perl etc.
  2. For some, as variable names are case sensitive in bash and, I think, more or less seldom used, on could use A or _A instead of args_array but, to my taste, ${A[1]} or so is even less readable in a long source than ${args_array[1]}.

My situation:

There are at least 616 occurrences to take care of... carefully (some are in functions, awk or perl scripts etc)

for s in shift 'set --' '$@' '${@' '$*' '${*' '$1' '${1' '$2' '${2' '$3' '${3' '$4' '${4' '$5' '${5'; do
   printf '%-10s: %d\n' "$s " "$(fgrep $s <script>|wc -l)"
done # |awk '{sum+=$NF};END{print sum}'

shift     : 44
set --    : 189
$@        : 39
${@       : 2
$*        : 7
${*       : 0
$1        : 182
${1       : 79
$2        : 48
${2       : 3
$3        : 15
${3       : 0
$4        : 8
${4       : 0
$5        : 0
${5       : 0

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