I want to apologize before I begin-- I know that this problem has been asked about before, and I've found some of the threads. Unfortunately, I'm extremely new to Linux, and I'm getting lost trying to navigate through other people's work.
I'm attempting to create a virtual machine on a host machine. I have RHEL7 for the host machine, and I'm making a VM using RHEL6.4 I'm using Virtual Machine Manager, and I successfully booted from an ISO without issue. So far so good.
I'm now attempting to establish a connection with the virtual machine from the host machine, and I'm struggling. I'm trying to add connections using Hypervisor QEMU/KVM, hostname of my host machine, username is my username. Initially, I got a failure message, until I installed openssh and oepnssh-askpass. Now it prompts me for my password, which I enter. Okay, working as intended.
After I enter the password, I get a popup error that reads
Virutal machine Manager Connection Failure Unable to connect to libvirt qemu+ssh:// me@myMachine
Authentication unvaliable: no polkit agent available to authenticate action 'org.libvirt.unix.manage'
Verify that the "libvirtd" daemon is running on the remote host.
I've spent quite a bit trying to figure this out, and I'm at a loss. I've tried updating the libvertpd.pid file, but when I try to run systemcl start/stop libvirt-bin, I get an alert that Unit libvirt-bin.service is not loaded. (I'm honestly, not sure what that should or should not be doing, I'm just following someone else's instructions with the hope that it eventually works.)
If I try to run libvirtd -d, I get an error saying "Unable to obtain pidfile. Check /var/log/messages or run without --daemon for more info." I've navigated to the appropriate folder and confirmed the libvirtd.pid does in fact exist, and is hanging out right where it should. When I try to check the messages section, there are no messages from today-- only from 4 days ago.
My best guess is that there's something wrong with my libvirtd, but I don't know what, and I don't know how to diagnose it. In trying to identify the problem/blindly following other people's advice, I've installed firewalld, dmidecode, dnsmasq, libvirt, libvirt-python, libguestfs-tools, and virt-install, none of which appear to have changed the problem in any way. I'm still getting the same errors that I was before.
If anyone knows how to fix this (and can hold my hand a little bit about where to navigate and what to enter), I would very much appreciate it.