I need to backup files (usually images) before editing (and overwrite) them.
Currently I do it by:

cp file.jpg ~/BACKUP/file.jpg
exiv2 BLABLABLA file.jpg

How can I do it with a single command?

AAalias file.jpg

where AAalias is an alias or a function, doesn't matter but this is the shape I'm looking for: command + filename

  • define command. single press of enter?
    – erik258
    Commented Oct 3, 2019 at 15:54
  • yes, I update OP
    – mattia.b89
    Commented Oct 3, 2019 at 16:13
  • 1
    It's not really clear what is AAalias but @Kusalanada answer should work like bash alias and do it in single command.
    – Shmuel
    Commented Oct 3, 2019 at 16:19

2 Answers 2


Using a shell function:

backup_and_edit () {
    cp -i "$1" "$HOME/BACKUP" &&
    exiv2 BLABLABLA "$1"

This would go where you usually put aliases and shell function (probably in your ~/.bashrc file), and after having instantiated the function (by starting a new shell session), you would use it like

$ backup_and_edit ./some/file.jpg

When invoked like this, the function would execute

cp -i ./some/file.jpg "$HOME/BACKUP" &&
exiv2 BLABLABLA ./some/file.jpg

The -i option to cp would make the utility ask for confirmation before over-writing a file with the same name in your backup directory. If the copy fails, the exiv2 command would not be invoked.

  • I have this backup function: backup() { for file in "$@"; do local new="${file}.$(date '+%Y%m%d')"; while [[ -f "$new" ]]; do new+="~"; done; printf "copying '%s' to '%s'\n" "${file}" "$new"; \cp -ip "$file" "$new"; done; } Commented Oct 4, 2019 at 12:03

You can create an alias, that uses a function:

alias Aalias='_(){ local file=${@: -1};(($#<2))||[[ ! -e "${file}" ]]&&echo "Usage: Aalias <options> <file>"&&return 1;cp "${file}" ~/BACKUP/${file};exiv2 $@;}; _'

${@: -1} grabs the last argument for the file 
[[ ! -e "${file}" ]] checks to make sure the file exists 

Usage will be shown if less than 2 arguments are provided or the file doesn't exist.

If the last argument is the name of a file that exists it will be backed up to the BACKUP directory in user's home and exiv2 will be launched with the options provided on the commandline.

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