I have 100+ devices that has same username and password and enabled SSH.
What I would like to achieve is for each device I want to run same command to change their password bulk.
What I did is to create 2 files; first one contains hosts, second one contains commands.
Hosts file example;
Commands file;
passwd -a des
grep -v users.1.password= /tmp/system.cfg > /tmp/system.cfg.new
echo users.1.password=`grep %user% /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $2}'` >> /tmp/system.cfg.new
cfgmtd -f /tmp/system.cfg.new -w
I tried following command but its failing because of 2 reasons;
1 - It asks me to allow self-signed key everyime. 2 - It does stuck on input part
for host in $(cat hosts.txt); do ssh -u username@"$host" -pPasswd command.txt >"output.$host"; done
So basically I want to connect all device (they all have different self signed certificate) and change their password accordingly.