I'm trying to create a simple script that uses a list of months like this:
(Jan Feb)
To generate and execute this command:
python ExpenseManager.py -p Inputs/Jan\ 2019\ Debit.CSV Inputs/Jan\ 2019\ Credit.CSV -p Inputs/Feb\ 2019\ Debit.CSV Inputs/Feb\ 2019\ Credit.CSV
This is the program I've written to that effect:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
months=(Jan Feb)
for month in ${months[@]}; do
args=(${args[@]} -p "Inputs/${month}\\ 2019\\ Debit.CSV" "Inputs/${month}\\ 2019\\ Credit.CSV")
python ExpenseManager.py "${args[@]}"
exit 0
And this, in theory, is working. When I echo the resulting command, I get the exact command I want:
python ExpenseManager.py -p Inputs/Jan\ 2019\ Debit.CSV Inputs/Jan\ 2019\ Credit.CSV -p Inputs/Feb\ 2019\ Debit.CSV Inputs/Feb\ 2019\ Credit.CSV
Now when I copy/paste the command created by this program and execute it, it works fine. However when I have Bash execute the command, it includes the backslashes that I use to include the escape backslash in Bash:
Namespace(filepairs=[['Inputs/Jan\', '2019\', 'Debit.CSV', 'Inputs/Jan\', '2019\', 'Credit.CSV'], ['Inputs/Feb\ 2019\ Debit.CSV', 'Inputs/Feb\ 2019\ Credit.CSV']]
I've tried several solutions to get this to work:
I've tried making the args a single string and building off of that
I've tried surrounding the args with single quotes and using double quotes around spaces like this:
args=(${args[@]} -p 'Inputs/${month}" "2019" "Debit.CSV "Inputs/${month}" "2019" "Credit.CSV")
- I've tried separating each part of the arg that requires a space using quotes like this:
args=(${args[@]} -p "Inputs/${month}" "2019" "Debit.CSV" "Inputs/${month}\ 2019\ Credit.CSV")
I've looked at other solutions here and elsewhere but nothing seems to do the trick. So rather than continue to get stuck on this I was hoping someone could tell me the magic trick to have Bash execute this procedurally-built, interpolated command?