There will be a lot of problems in most cases due to the way that stdio buffering works. A work around for linux might be to use the stdbuf
program and run the command with coproc, so you can explicitly control the interleaving of the output.
The following assumes that the command will output one line after each line of input.
coproc stdbuf -i0 -o0 "$@"
while read -r in ; do
printf "%s " "$in"
printf "%s\n" "$in" >&${COPROC[1]}
read -r out <&${COPROC[0]}
printf "%s\n" "$out"
If a more general solution is needed as the OP only required each line of input to the program to eventually output one line rather than immediately, then a more complicated approach is needed. Create an event loop using read -t 0
to try and read from stdin and the co-process, if you have the same "line number" for both then output, otherwise store the line. To avoid using 100% of the cpu if in any round of the event loop neither was ready, then introduce a small delay before running the event loop again. There are additional complications if the process outputs partial lines, these need to be buffered.
If this more general solution is needed, I would write this using expect as it already has good support for handling pattern matching on multiple input streams. However this is not a bash/zsh solution.