Anybody managed to bind the Windows key in IceWM ? It seems I can't bind it to anything since I disabled the "treat as Ctrl+Alt" option.
# Treat Super/Win modifier as Ctrl+Alt
# ModSuperIsCtrlAlt=1 # 0/1
ModSuperIsCtrlAlt=0 # 0/1
Well, the key's name is "Super".
key "Super+k" konsole
key "Super+f" firefox
key "Super+e" emacs -fg white -bg black -cr honeydew2
key "Super+g" gimp
key "Super+l" libreoffice
key "Super+Shift+k" konversation
key "Super+r" killall -SIGHUP icewm
key "Super+Shift+Ctrl+k" krdc
key "Super+v" vlc
I particularly like Super+r
For me works in /.icewm/keys this (simply add to keys your keyboard layout):
key "Super+i" setxkbmap -layout it
key "Super+s" setxkbmap -layout sk
key "Super+e" setxkbmap -layout latam